May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct? - NCRS Discussion Boards

May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

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  • Anthony P.
    • June 27, 2010
    • 485

    May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

    Which coordinator is correct for a May 1962 vette, if either? The part number is very hard to read, but they both appear to have 88693-3, but I am not 100% sure since they are quite worn.

    Note that on #1, one of the nipples (right front) is broken off.

    The complete Washer bottle assembly is shown in the AIM section 582, but it does not show the coordinator number.


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  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 23, 2008
    • 2391

    Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

    Here is my original! Car #00029. Hard to see the number and it is full of water. Mine is like #1 in your picture.
    Last edited by John F.; September 18, 2011, 10:45 AM.


    • Terry B.
      • December 5, 2010
      • 73

      Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

      Your #1 photo matches mine.


      • Anthony P.
        • June 27, 2010
        • 485

        Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

        Thanks for the info. I was hoping it would be #2, since the nipple on #1 is broken.

        In any case it looks like I can pull the rivets and swap the bases since both bases are identical.



        • Mike E.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 28, 1975
          • 5115

          Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

          The one on the left is correct for all 62's; there was no running change during the 62 model year.


          • Anthony P.
            • June 27, 2010
            • 485

            Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

            Thanks Mike.

            Since the bases on both units are exactly the same, I just swapped the top to the one without the broken nipple.

            Do you have any idea what the one on the right would go to?



            • Jay M.
              Frequent User
              • November 30, 1991
              • 39

              Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?


              • Anthony P.
                • June 27, 2010
                • 485

                Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?


                Attached are the pictures of the lid after it soaked in cleaner for 24 hrs. It was mostly black previously. Note that the part number on the bottom of the lid is: P89-4446-1

                To the best of my knowledge this is an original lid. Agree?

                The coordinator that was on this lid, was the one on the left in my original picture. I had the other one in a box of stuff and since the one on the lid had a broken nipple I was going to swap them out.

                Attached Files


                • Jay M.
                  Frequent User
                  • November 30, 1991
                  • 39

                  Re: May 62 vette- Which Coordinator is correct?

                  The lid you have pictured is perfect for your 62.



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