Pimary jet size, Rochester Carburetor, 1978 L-48 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Pimary jet size, Rochester Carburetor, 1978 L-48

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  • Dan L.
    • November 7, 2010
    • 27

    Pimary jet size, Rochester Carburetor, 1978 L-48

    I am looking for information on the size of the factory installed primary metering jets for a Rochester carburetor on a 1978 L-48 engine, Automatic no AC. Number stamped on the carb is 17058202.


    Dan Leslie
  • William C.
    NCRS Past President
    • May 31, 1975
    • 6037

    Re: Pimary jet size, Rochester Carburetor, 1978 L-48

    Part number 7031977, I believe the last two numbers are the jet hole size (.077) but may not be true for the newer years. Chassis service manual may have the size. The applications I show for that carb are for a 350 engine, Federal spec, auto trans w/o A/C
    Bill Clupper #618


    • Clem Z.
      • December 31, 2005
      • 9427

      Re: Pimary jet size, Rochester Carburetor, 1978 L-48

      Originally posted by William Clupper (618)
      Part number 7031977, I believe the last two numbers are the jet hole size (.077) but may not be true for the newer years. Chassis service manual may have the size. The applications I show for that carb are for a 350 engine, Federal spec, auto trans w/o A/C
      #77 is the correct jet and the metering rod is a 53K, 0.053 X 0.047 diameter


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