63 Parking Break?

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  • Greg W.
    • September 1, 2005
    • 117

    63 Parking Break?

    I am trying to figure out if this is a 63 parking break assembly or not. I know that the switch is not for a 63.

    So is the chrome handle a 63?

    The bracket that mounts to the cluster has a hole in it for oil pressure line. Is it a 63 or did all C2's have the hole?

    The switch is wrong and even has the square pin the contacts the switch. Can this be converted to the 63 style switch?

    Comments are welcome.

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  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1983
    • 5173

    Re: 63 Parking Break?


    I can tell you for sure it's not a 63 style assembly. The 63 assembly is secured through the firewall with a clip that looks like a brake hose clip. The late 63 support to dash has a hole for the oil pressure line but early 63 does not.

    The 63 switch is different than the one in your picture, someone will post with the year that used a switch like shown in your picture.


    • Wayne M.
      • March 1, 1980
      • 6414

      Re: 63 Parking Break?

      Originally posted by Greg Walker (44442)
      ......So is the chrome handle a 63?

      The bracket that mounts to the cluster has a hole in it for oil pressure line. Is it a 63 or did all C2's have the hole? ....

      Greg -- looks like the set-up on my '65s, incl. the script for the handle. IRC, '63s had a larger and heavier character font. Probably all '64 thru '66s (except for what Tim mentions) have the oil pressure line hole. '66s can even have an additional lower hole for the V74 hazard warning switch mount. Don't know if this was on all '66s or just those with that option.
      Last edited by Wayne M.; April 9, 2011, 04:41 PM.


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