Whats the best way to go about installing the rear end and springs. I have the frame on saw horses. Springs first and slide rear diff. into position and bolt down? Thanks for your advice. Guy
54 spring and rear end installation
Re: 54 spring and rear end installation
Position the rear end under the frame with the wheels on or block it up to roughtly that height. Make sure the differential is pointed so the pinion shaft is level. Then lower your frame closer to the floor by putting it on jack stands so it is just below its normal height relative to the rear end. Then put the springs in, threading them under the rear end. The front eye busing doesn't get final torqued until the body weight is on the frame.The install the shock hangers and U bolts. Finally install the rebound straps. You will need to compress the springs to do so.- Top
Re: 54 spring and rear end installation
Just assembled my rear suspension last month. I had my rear axel on jack stands, assembled brakes emergency brake cables, drums, wheels and new wide whites. Attached rear leaf springs, removed jacks, rolled assembly under frame (frame supported by midframe and front sawhorses) Placed floor jack under rear cross member to control height, removed midframe support, attached front (1st) and rear spring hangers and shackles. EASY 1 person assembly!- Top