66 head numbers???

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  • Jim C.
    • April 1, 2006
    • 290

    Re: 66 head numbers???

    Originally posted by Joe Raine (45823)

    I think you may be unintentionally misleading Kevin. Your dates makes sense, the head dates precede the engine assembly date. But Kevin's dates are the other way around. How could the heads be dated after the stamp pad date?

    I don't think so Joe. Later in the thread, Kevin corrected his initial post and said his cylinder head casting numbers were F16 and F26. If Kevin's heads are in fact F16 and F26, or June 1, 1966, and June 2, 1966, respectively, then both were clearly cast before the engine assembly date of June 10, 1966. I think his numbers are right on the money. I also think the 462 heads are totally possible, most likely correct, and probably original to his car.

    Jim C.


    • Jim C.
      • April 1, 2006
      • 290

      Re: 66 head numbers???

      Originally posted by Joe Raine (45823)
      Pat, Jim, Kevin,

      Sorry, my bad, I missed Kevin's corrected dates for his heads. Never mind...


      Sorry Joe. I didn't see your last post. I think we're all on the same page.

      Jim C.


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