62 Front Stabilizer bolts- Look at these bolts?

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  • Anthony P.
    • June 28, 2010
    • 485

    62 Front Stabilizer bolts- Look at these bolts?

    After looking at the judging manual I know that all 4 of these bolts are incorrect.

    Looks like a PO just dipped into a pile of bolts to assemble the car, but what is weird is they were consistent with the same exact bolts on the other side. the single bolt was holding the shroud to the radiator support.

    Any idea if they would have come from a vette? Or is this just a pile of scrap bolts?

    In any case I am ordering the correct ones.

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  • Larry C.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 1, 1980
    • 279

    Re: 62 Front Stabilizer bolts- Look at these bolts?

    Sorry to be so blunt, but these bolts appear to a bunch of crap.

    I've owned my '62 since 1965 and have looked at hundreds others and no bolts in your photos look anything like what I've seen.



    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43129

      Re: 62 Front Stabilizer bolts- Look at these bolts?

      Originally posted by Anthony Palmieri (51911)
      After looking at the judging manual I know that all 4 of these bolts are incorrect.

      Looks like a PO just dipped into a pile of bolts to assemble the car, but what is weird is they were consistent with the same exact bolts on the other side. the single bolt was holding the shroud to the radiator support.

      Any idea if they would have come from a vette? Or is this just a pile of scrap bolts?

      In any case I am ordering the correct ones.


      I've never seen a Dorman-headmarked bolt originally used by GM. For the most part, if not exclusively, Dorman-branded bolts are aftermarket, auto parts store-type, SERVICE bolts, usually found in the metal orange slide-out drawers in auto parts stores.

      The bolt with the 3 radial lines and no manufacturer's headmarking looks like a stainless steel bolt which were not originally used on Corvettes.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • Anthony P.
        • June 28, 2010
        • 485

        Re: 62 Front Stabilizer bolts- Look at these bolts?


        You mean that these are not very rare exotic bolts that are worth lots of $$$$.. LOL

        Actually what you said is what I figured.

        I have found that about 50% of the fasteners on this car were wrong. I have spent more on nuts-n-bolts...




        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • February 1, 1988
          • 43129

          Re: 62 Front Stabilizer bolts- Look at these bolts?

          Originally posted by Anthony Palmieri (51911)

          You mean that these are not very rare exotic bolts that are worth lots of $$$$.. LOL

          Actually what you said is what I figured.

          I have found that about 50% of the fasteners on this car were wrong. I have spent more on nuts-n-bolts...



          If it were me, I don't know that I'd spend a lot of money and effort to get bolts with "correct" headmarking. However, I would expend a lot of effort and money to make sure I had HIGH QUALITY fasteners of certain history, especially for safety-critical applications like suspension, steering, and brakes.
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Anthony P.
            • June 28, 2010
            • 485

            Re: 62 Front Stabilizer bolts- Look at these bolts?

            Thanks everyone for he feedback. I sort of thought that this was a bucket of misc bolts that were used. I am definitely making sure that bolts that impact safety are correct.




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