Seat belt pockets

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  • Karl K.
    • November 17, 2008
    • 92

    Seat belt pockets

    I need to repaint the seat belt pockets on my 65 coupe.
    I have the bright blue Interior spray from Long Island Corvette, is that
    he correct paint?
    Any tips on the painting part and the surface preparation.
  • Michael D.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 1, 1978
    • 159

    Re: Seat belt pockets

    Karl, Clean the parts/plastic/rubber with soap and water then put a piece of masking tape on them to see if it sticks or not, if it doesn't stick clean them again with fresh water and soap until the tape sticks. You can also clean with alcohol and a clean cloth allow dry time for whivch ever method you use.


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