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  • Stephen B.
    Very Frequent User
    • September 1, 1992
    • 261

    !7th annual NCRS/QUEEN CITY CHAPTER Swap

    Thank you to all those that made our event on March 6th a rousing success.Attendance was great,vendors left with full pockets,and we still have the best hot dog in Cincinnati.Seriously thou many thanks to all involved you helped us help a child in the Burns Hospital. The NCRS/Cincinnati chapter will be able to make a sizable contribution again this year to the Shriners Burns Institute.
    Stephen Barrett 59,66,71,73
  • Bruce B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 1, 1996
    • 2930

    Re: !7th annual NCRS/QUEEN CITY CHAPTER Swap

    As a chapter member and a seller at the swap meet it was really great.
    Made some great sales and deals, saw a lot of Corvette friends and really liked the way we (the vendors) were served lunch so we didn't have to leave our spaces. I'm just sorry I forgot to tip the babe serving lunch, maybe next year.


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