1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

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  • Erik H.
    • October 8, 2007
    • 45

    1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

    My 1963 fuel car was recently judged at a regional event, and I took a 5 point hit for an early style air cleaner assembly (clip above the reinforcement bracket). The car is a late June build, and the JG states "Overlap is possible here, with mid to late 1963 and early 1964 models showing either style clip location". I didn't contest the 5 point deduct, which doesn't seem like much but stands out against the other single point deducts taken here and there. I'm working towards Nationals, and with only 135 points to work with I need to be very cautious with the bigger deduct items.

    These assemblys are not cheap, and I'm not keen on finding a late style one and paying the price, restoring it, etc when the one I have is original and fully restored, but too early.

    To the point, even though the JG says early style assemblys can appear on late 63 cars, all the way to early 64s, is this information at the discretion of the judges? Is it my responsibility to prove the car came with that assembly (which, unfortunately, I can't do)? BTW - the judges were all great, so this is not a question about the quality of judging - just trying to determine how best to handle this situation if it comes up again. Thanks!
  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 31, 1992
    • 15524

    Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

    I don't get it. If the JG states your car could have either configuration, what was the justification for the deduction.

    The benefit of the doubt should go to the car/owner.



    • Harry S.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • July 31, 2002
      • 5204

      Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

      Erik, always challenge the judge when reviewing the sheets. Judges do miss things like that and when pointed out the eraser end of the pencil is activated.


      • Brian M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • January 31, 1997
        • 1831

        Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

        I wouldn't change a thing.


        • Jack H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 31, 1990
          • 9906

          Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

          Amen, Brian! We often get into a 'fix everything' mode throwing basic economics out the door in the pursuit of perfection.

          With a whooping 5 judging points at stake (right or wrong), we're talking about one tenth of a percentage point in score for the overall car! Is that the place to spend big-$$$ to make a correct restoration???


          • Joe R.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 1976
            • 4547

            Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

            Well, I would like to know where the 63-64 Team Leader hides when questions like this come up.
            Correcting the judging manual I would assume!!!!!!! Wrong!!!!!!



            • Joe R.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • July 31, 1976
              • 4547

              Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

              Originally posted by Jack Humphrey (17100)
              Amen, Brian! We often get into a 'fix everything' mode throwing basic economics out the door in the pursuit of perfection.

              With a whooping 5 judging points at stake (right or wrong), we're talking about one tenth of a percentage point in score for the overall car! Is that the place to spend big-$$$ to make a correct restoration???
              Jack, I see where you are coming from and agree 100%! In this case, the owner followed the judging manual and is being penalized by a judge that apparently cannot read.

              Is the judging manual not made for people to follow and restore their cars and for the judges to use to make sure they are complying with the rules of restoration?

              In this case, who or what needs fixing?



              • John D.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • November 30, 1979
                • 5507

                Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

                Originally posted by Erik Hoheneder (47959)
                My 1963 fuel car was recently judged at a regional event, and I took a 5 point hit for an early style air cleaner assembly (clip above the reinforcement bracket). The car is a late June build, and the JG states "Overlap is possible here, with mid to late 1963 and early 1964 models showing either style clip location". I didn't contest the 5 point deduct, which doesn't seem like much but stands out against the other single point deducts taken here and there. I'm working towards Nationals, and with only 135 points to work with I need to be very cautious with the bigger deduct items.

                These assemblys are not cheap, and I'm not keen on finding a late style one and paying the price, restoring it, etc when the one I have is original and fully restored, but too early.

                To the point, even though the JG says early style assemblys can appear on late 63 cars, all the way to early 64s, is this information at the discretion of the judges? Is it my responsibility to prove the car came with that assembly (which, unfortunately, I can't do)? BTW - the judges were all great, so this is not a question about the quality of judging - just trying to determine how best to handle this situation if it comes up again. Thanks!
                Hi Erik, Being that 63's are my passion and #2 I restore FI units I would like to chirp in if you don't mind.
                You have at least two issues going here.
                #1. You have a judging manual saying that it's possible your late June car could have the earlier style AC cannister.
                #2. You have a late June 63. Last serial number in June is 18524.
                From personal observation over the last 1/2 century or so let me tell you that is is not "typical" to see such a late 63 with the early style air cleaner.

                I do believe Erik that with or without a manual you are going to have issues with that early style air cleaner. If you plan on campaigning the car I would advise you swap it in. Your AC is much more rarer than the later style.
                My friend has around a 13,7XX 63 and it has the later style air cleaner. Known original car.
                Question is this Erik. Are you building your car the way it came down the St. Louis line or building it to conform to a judging manual. That question will exist a 100 years from now.
                If you want to save major bucks on your early style air cleaner and have the latches relocated that service is available. Not from me though.
                Wondering why you didn't ask the team leader about the deduction???

                Most master judges don't even look at a judging manual you know. They use it for occasional reference in case they forget a number or so.
                If you see an experienced judge laying nice manual on your fender and reading it word for word when your old Corvette is being judged you are in bigggg trouble my friend.
                Now you will see this at a chapter show as it's a learning experience.
                I'd better get out of here before I put my foot in my mouth and get in trouble. JD


                • Gene K.
                  Frequent User
                  • August 31, 2006
                  • 34

                  Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

                  Hello, Who does provide the service of having the latches relocated?
                  Thanks, Gene


                  • Bob J.
                    Very Frequent User
                    • November 30, 1977
                    • 712

                    Re: 1963 FI air cleaner early vs late and judging points

                    Originally posted by John DeGregory (2855)
                    Hi Erik,

                    From personal observation over the last 1/2 century or so let me tell you that is is not "typical" to see such a late 63 with the early style air cleaner.
                    I do believe Erik that with or without a manual you are going to have issues with that early style air cleaner.

                    Most master judges don't even look at a judging manual you know.
                    If you see an experienced judge laying nice manual on your fender and reading it word for word when your old Corvette is being judged you are in bigggg trouble my friend. . JD
                    I agree with you on both points, JD
                    Bob Jorjorian


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