Cam Suggesetion?

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  • Frederick W.
    • December 4, 2009
    • 159

    Cam Suggesetion?

    Car: 68 vert, 327/300, TH400 tranny, 3.08 rear.

    The car was restored in the past with a motor rebuild. All I can find from the receipts is that they installed a "high performance" cam. I don't know the specs. Vacuum at idle is only 13-14 inches Hg, not overly "lopy" but a just a little irregular idle.

    This car is an NCRS restoration about 80% complete. I drive it frequently, just cruising the local boulevards. I really like the 3.08 gearing.

    Anyway, I suspect the "high performance cam" is something geared toward high rpm performance which this car rarely if ever sees. Moreover, my limited cam knowledge would suggest that such a cam is pretty close to the opposite of what I would want with my set up. Something geared toward maximizing low rpm torque would be better.

    So should I swap the cam, and if so should I go stock or something different?
    Seems Duke Williams posted about a new cam grind with excellent street characteristics a few months back.

    Thoughts? Thanks!
    Last edited by Frederick W.; February 1, 2011, 12:37 PM.
  • Duke W.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 1, 1993
    • 15492

    Re: Cam Suggesetion?

    Do you ever read The Corvette Restorer? I recall there was an article on the subject in a recent edition that took up nearly half the magazine.

    If you want to completely go through the engine you can do a Special 300 HP configuration with the McCagh Special camshaft, but if you don't want to bother with massaging the heads, and optimizing the compression ratio just install a Sealed Power CS-274 and new lifters. The CS-274 is the 3896929 OE cam, which can't be beat in a stock engine automatic with a tall axle ratio.



    • Timothy B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • May 1, 1983
      • 5172

      Re: Cam Suggesetion?


      IMHO, go with the stock GM 327/300hp camshaft, you will not regret the choice. That's the cam in my 67 four speed and I enjoy the car very much when I take it for a ride.

      If the other engine components are stock, the 300hp cam with TH400 and 3.08 will provide nice torque and low end acceleration with plenty of top end for driving around on the street.


      • Frederick W.
        • December 4, 2009
        • 159

        Re: Cam Suggesetion?

        Thanks guys.

        Are you both describing the same cam?
        ie. is the "3896929 OE cam" the stock 327/300 cam?


        • Duke W.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • January 1, 1993
          • 15492

          Re: Cam Suggesetion?

          The 3896929 was used on all base Corvette engines from 1967-1979 and a few million other small blocks that went into pass. cars and trucks.

          Because it's so common, the Sealed Power CS-274 exact equivalent is only about 50 bucks at NAPA.

          Last edited by Duke W.; February 1, 2011, 12:47 PM.


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