1960 seat sliding rail

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  • Joe M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • May 1, 1990
    • 1337

    1960 seat sliding rail

    I separated the seat frames from the sliding rails; driver side so far. I decided to separate the top sliding rail from the bottom sliding rail. Pulled hard and the seat track roller assembly came out the front end of the inboard side rail. I did not pull further so the other seat track roller assembly is still in place. When I shoved the front seat track roller assembly back into place, the two rails did not slide well; seemed to bind. What am I missing on reinstalling the seat track roller assembly?

    If I pulled harder would the sliding two rails separate completely?
  • Erich C.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 31, 2007
    • 137

    Re: 1960 seat sliding rail

    This might help you out. It's a link to a good website on disasembly/ assembly of the seat rails with pics: http://home.comcast.net/~richmz/site/?/page/56-62_Corvette_Seat_Track_Repair_and_Restoration/&PHPSESSID=7ca63fe93ef3fff96e45ad15ac9f6b78


    • Joe M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • May 1, 1990
      • 1337

      Re: 1960 seat sliding rail

      Perfect reference, excellent photos and description! Thank you Erich.


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