'56-'62 Drive Shaft Differences - NCRS Discussion Boards

'56-'62 Drive Shaft Differences

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  • Steven B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1982
    • 3948

    '56-'62 Drive Shaft Differences

    Were there any differences between the '56-'62 manual transmission driveshafts and U-joints? If so, what were they?


  • Rod K.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 31, 1990
    • 439

    Re: '56-'62 Drive Shaft Differences

    For what it's worth, Joe Tripoli's '53-'72 Chassis Restoration Guide says '55-'62 shafts are all the same, p/n 3712377. Shorter front yoke for PG.


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