Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum Facebook page - NCRS Discussion Boards

Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum Facebook page

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  • Henry S.
    • April 30, 2005
    • 816

    Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum Facebook page

    The Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum in Decatur, Illinois has acquired one of the 2010 Chevrolet Camaro SS Indianapolis 500 track cars!!! This car was used as a support vehicle for this years 2009 Indianapolis 500. This is one of only 19 Camaros sold to the public at the end of the race. An identical track car was awarded to the 2009 Indianapolis 500 winner, Helio Castroneves. Welcome back Camaro!!! Also newly added is a private collection of some of the Nascars from the past. One is the Dale Earnhart #3 Wrangler 1987 Monte Carlo, WOW!! LaVelle Hunt, the museum owner, presently has 83 cars in the museum. Among them several Corvettes from each generation. Some of you may know LaVelle from the Corvette Pace Car Registry where he is 2008 Registry Director. He has done a GREAT job of getting the museum up and running, opening in March 2009. Check out some of the pictures just posted on Facebook and if you need something to get you out of those winter blahs stop by and check out the museum!! You'll be happy you did!! Take care, Shooter

  • Scott S.
    Very Frequent User
    • February 28, 1979
    • 747

    Re: Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum Facebook page

    Henry, The 2011 Mid-West NCRS Road Tour will stop at the Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum. FYI, many of Road Tours also visit private collections on their routes.
    Life is a Highway join an NCRS RT and enjoy your Corvettes with other members.
    Scott & Kay Sinclair


    • Henry S.
      • April 30, 2005
      • 816

      Re: Chevrolet Hall of Fame Museum Facebook page

      Scott and Kay,
      Thanks for posting that. I'll check into the road tour. If I can't make the road tour at least some us will be on hand when you stop by. Our local Corvette club has helped out with a charity car show at the museum the past two years and have worked with LaVelle on other events as well. LaVelle Hunt, the museum owner, does a GREAT job of promoting Corvettes and classic cars. He helped out last year when the Hunnert Car Pile-up was in town with a cruise in. We're headed in there tomorrow for a get together LaVelle is putting on for some of his family and friends that has helped out. If you have it set up with LaVelle he will do a first class job for the NCRS Road Tour. I look forward to it and if I can help anyway here locally don't hesitate to ask. Take care, Shooter


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