Need description in latest ed. of '67 TIM&JG re: Frame stencil

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  • Gary B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • February 1, 1997
    • 6861

    Need description in latest ed. of '67 TIM&JG re: Frame stencil

    Can someone provide me with the exact wording from the latest edition (4th?) of the '67 TIM&JG with regard to the frame stencil?


  • William C.
    • July 16, 2009
    • 239

    Re: Need description in latest ed. of '67 TIM&JG re: Frame stencil

    Originally posted by Gary Beaupre (28818)
    Can someone provide me with the exact wording from the latest edition (4th?) of the '67 TIM&JG with regard to the frame stencil?



    The frame is semi-gloss black. Both the Dow Smith number, 303196, and the GM number , 900200, appear upside down and toward the rear on the right frame rail. A date is also stenciled beside these numbers. Several variations of the stencil have been observed. The following is one example.

    3900200-34 GC
    303196 4-67


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