C2 1967 Hard Top Hardtop Front Header Weatherstrip Installation - NCRS Discussion Boards

C2 1967 Hard Top Hardtop Front Header Weatherstrip Installation

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  • Richard M.
    Super Moderator
    • August 31, 1988
    • 11249

    Re: C2 1967 Hard Top Hardtop Front Header Weatherstrip Installation

    Ok....I think I have it figured out....the CRC ends are marked wrong. Looking at Jerry's photo of the left front corner, I have a match. You can see the little arrow/point sticking out under the side-corner w/s. I have it all test fitted and ready for glue up. A little disappointed that the new w/s is a bit short and it needs to stretch to get it on. But then it seems the originals may have been too looking at Jerry's pics.

    One note, the 13 clips must be installed from the backside of the ss trims, 11 on the front header, and 2 each on the corner/side trims. I bought replacement clips as the originals were rusted. When I installed the new clips, I took some dum-dum and mashed it in the relief of each clip on the back. This holds them in place until the trims get screwed down. After losing a few clips I figured that out.

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    • Gerard F.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 2004
      • 3803

      Re: C2 1967 Hard Top Hardtop Front Header Weatherstrip Installation


      Thanks for the tip on the clips. I'll be doing the same in a few months.

      Always good to have photos of how it should be, when you put it back together.
      Jerry Fuccillo
      1967 327/300 Convertible since 1968


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