67 transmission shifter installatioin

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  • Mike H.
    Frequent User
    • February 1, 1980
    • 45

    67 transmission shifter installatioin

    I have removed the muncie 4 sp. from a 67 SB , with engine in the car. To do this I had to remove the shifter. Any suggestions on how to get this shifter back in place? I had to remove the mounting bracket to get the shifter out. Don't think I can get the bolts back in the bracket after the trans. is reinstalled because of the confined space. Any suggestions?
    CORDially Mike
  • Dennis S.
    • April 1, 2004
    • 228

    Re: 67 transmission shifter installatioin

    If it came out, it will go back in. Assuming a '67 Muncie, frame and tunnel are similar if not identical to a '69, it can be done. I've had my shifter out a number of times, even with the tunnel insulation in place. You should have a long and a short bolt, with star washers. Make sure the shifter rods, if connected to the shifter, are hanging loose and not interfering with what you are trying to do. Start with the long bolt and insert it in the shifter. Move the shifter up into the space and align with it's threaded hole in the mounting bracket...which you should have already installed. I know the space is small, but you can start the bolt with your fingers. If not, use a box end wrench...a good quality ratchet wrench would be ideal. Once started, insert the short bolt in the shifter and align with it's threaded hole in the bracket and do the same. Once both are started, you can painstakingly tighten both bolts, a little at a time. Now you can hopefully reconnect your shifter rods to the Muncie.


    • Ray G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 1, 1986
      • 1187

      Re: 67 transmission shifter installatioin

      Originally posted by Mike Huffman (3028)
      I have removed the muncie 4 sp. from a 67 SB , with engine in the car. To do this I had to remove the shifter. Any suggestions on how to get this shifter back in place? I had to remove the mounting bracket to get the shifter out. Don't think I can get the bolts back in the bracket after the trans. is reinstalled because of the confined space. Any suggestions?
      CORDially Mike
      Allow me to add; put the trans rear mount in after the shifter. Mount the shifter to the bracket before bolting the bracket to the crossmember.
      Agreed, The General could have given us another 1/2" under there. But how many times is a transmission R&R necessary.
      And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
      I hope you dance


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