need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces - NCRS Discussion Boards

need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces

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  • Reba W.
    Very Frequent User
    • June 30, 1985
    • 929

    need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces

    Last week there was a thread about dash covers for underdash body braces on 1968 convertibles. We are working on a revision of the judging guide and need an idea about when these were added.

    We need to pin down date/or VIN of their installation. A member of the revision team has a December car, which does not have them. Last week's post indicated it was probably early April when they first appeared. Can anyone with original cars give us help?
  • John C.
    • December 31, 2004
    • 616

    Re: need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces


    I read somewhere but I can't remember exactly where, that they were added in the first week in April. I think they gave the specific date of April 5. I'll have to look around to see if I can find the reference.

    From what I have observed the early April date seems correct.

    Another question that was brought up in last weeks thread that I think needs to be answered is when did they switch from the under dash bracing configuration shown in the 68 AIM for convertibles without A/C to the one shown in the 69 AIM. From my observations the 68 configuration carried into 69 model year for some time.



    • William H.
      • January 10, 2010
      • 65

      Re: need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces

      What about the early headlight doors, early grills, early override bracket.


      • Jack H.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1990
        • 9906

        Re: need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces

        Not subjects of this particular thread...


        • Paul B.
          Very Frequent User
          • April 30, 1995
          • 482

          Re: need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces

          ...I have a '68 L-79 M-21 convertible, May 6, 1968 build date, VIN#18434 which has them. It is a non A/C car too.
          Last edited by Paul B.; December 7, 2010, 08:59 PM.


          • Dale C.
            • October 31, 1999
            • 844

            Re: need info on 1968 convertible underdash braces

            I was the guy who asked about the brace cover and had some questions about the braces in conjunction with these covers. If you will notice the way the braces were attached is different on base and C60 cars. The non A/C cars AIM 1 - A6.6 has the brace attaching from engine side to the upper right corner. The nut is welded to that corner support (3942730 Aim 1- A, 6.5) which by that numeric addition (6 to 6.5 and 6.6) implies they were engineering for the addition of the brace around this time. My car is March 8th and is structured this way. My # is 13417 and is without the braces, it's a BB with C60. It is not like the C60 brace attachment on AIM C60, A9. The brace here attaches on the passenger side and has a plate added (3947941). Quite different than the base convertible. ??? My car does not have that plate welded to the corner support. Interesting, on my car that nut (# 17 ,1361649, AIM 1- 6.6) is welded to the pax side of the support and was never used, there is no scaring nor green paint scraping to evidence that it was used to secure the brace. I’m not sure on what the drawing dates mean in regards to implementation of the brace addition. I got into it on the timing and validity of the AIM during my A/C compressor muffler (Binocular vs Box) questioning. I never did get a feel good answer on the question of accuracy of AIM drawings then. They talk about the braces on page 41 of the Bizzoco 69 Guide Book. More questions than answers. I added a picture of my car on a later thread about this. They may have changed the A/C brace for ducting?
            Last edited by Dale C.; December 7, 2010, 09:26 PM.


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