63 heater hose clamps/colors

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  • John S.
    • May 18, 2009
    • 164

    63 heater hose clamps/colors

    I have conflicting input on the colors of the heater hose clamps for a 63. Judges have said they should be all gold, but other sources say different.
    Can anyone advise the proper colors for the two sizes of clamps on heater hoses?
  • Stuart F.
    • September 1, 1996
    • 4676

    Re: 63 heater hose clamps/colors

    I believe mine all started as gold, but after a few years they lose some of their color and appear more silver. If that is the color concern you have, i.e. "gold or silver" I don't think there should be too much concern if they are aged. If you are talking "gold vs. red", then you may have a concern.

    Let's see what others say.

    Stu Fox


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