1962 u-joints - NCRS Discussion Boards

1962 u-joints

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  • Jerry K.
    Frequent User
    • November 30, 1981
    • 93

    1962 u-joints

    While inspecting the drive shaft I noticed grease spray under the floorpan at the u- joint location.These have been in for about 20K miles and they have grease zerks . I'm going to change them, my question is were there grease zerks or not? The ST-12 shows to grease them but whoever I ask has a differant theory.
  • John F.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 23, 2008
    • 2391

    Re: 1962 u-joints

    The 61 Shop Manual says they are sealed at the factory. Recommend to disassemble, clean, and lubricate every 25,000 miles.
    John F


    • Jerry K.
      Frequent User
      • November 30, 1981
      • 93

      Re: 1962 u-joints

      Thanks John,
      Your choice of corvette is outstanding!!!


      • Gene M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1985
        • 4232

        Re: 1962 u-joints

        If you push too much grease into the joints they will "spray" to areas around on the body underside. Most of us only put on enough miles each year to have initial greasing last for almost ever.


        • Jerry K.
          Frequent User
          • November 30, 1981
          • 93

          Re: 1962 u-joints

          Thank You Gene,
          Have you heard the old saying " a little's good, a lot's better". Well not in all cases.
          Thanks Fellas


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