427 Air Conditioning Compressor Rear Rod Mount Bracket on Intake

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  • Terry M.
    • May 26, 2009
    • 37

    427 Air Conditioning Compressor Rear Rod Mount Bracket on Intake

    Is the length of these two intake bolts the same as the others used on the intake or are they slightly longer? Also, do they use washers and are they FP or M bolts? Thanks for your help.
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 427 Air Conditioning Compressor Rear Rod Mount Bracket on Intake

    Originally posted by Terry Mazzei (50460)
    Is the length of these two intake bolts the same as the others used on the intake or are they slightly longer? Also, do they use washers and are they FP or M bolts? Thanks for your help.
    Terry -

    As shown in the Assembly Manual (section C60, sheet C3, items #2 and #3), those two bolts (#9419054) were installed at St. Louis, after removing and discarding the two intake bolts at those locations that came on the engine; they're longer, and used split lockwashers.


    • Domenic T.
      • January 29, 2010
      • 2452

      Re: 427 Air Conditioning Compressor Rear Rod Mount Bracket on Intake

      Terry, that was going to be a question of mine also. I am doing my 1967 427 A/C and the intake bolt kits that LIC sells do not specify A//C in their sets. The grip length would not be long enough to use the originals and I was 2 -M head bolts short.

      John, thanks from me also.



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