Removing Buttons from Door Handles- best way? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Removing Buttons from Door Handles- best way?

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  • Anthony P.
    • June 27, 2010
    • 485

    Removing Buttons from Door Handles- best way?

    I am trying to remove the push buttons from my door handles so I can get them rechromed and I am trying to find the best way to remove them.

    I already searched the archives and I found a few comments about twisting the lock mechanism and the button will come out. That does not appear to be the case with mine unless I am not twisting hard enough. It does look like the outer edge of the door handle where the back of the button is, is slightly crimped.

    Any advice? I just do not want to crack the metal.


  • Mike M.
    NCRS Past President
    • May 31, 1974
    • 8344

    Re: Removing Buttons from Door Handles- best way?

    with handle assembly removed from the door, take a pair of needle nose pliers, depressing and rotating the football shaped retainer, then slide it off the button/pin. then the button will exit the handle proper. mike


    • Anthony P.
      • June 27, 2010
      • 485

      Re: Removing Buttons from Door Handles- best way?


      Thanks very much.. Worked great..


      Originally posted by Mike McCagh (14)
      with handle assembly removed from the door, take a pair of needle nose pliers, depressing and rotating the football shaped retainer, then slide it off the button/pin. then the button will exit the handle proper. mike


      • Anthony P.
        • June 27, 2010
        • 485

        Re: Removing Buttons from Door Handles- best way?

        Secondary question.

        When I send the buttons out to be rechromed, do I leave the button/pin attached to the button?

        If it needs to be removed how does it come out?




        • Mike M.
          NCRS Past President
          • May 31, 1974
          • 8344

          Re: Removing Buttons from Door Handles- best way?

          i re-chrome original c-1 door handles but use the buttons out of NORS or repovhandle assemblies that i've got loads of. i'd fear the rechromed buttons may rub on the rechromed handles. if you elect to have handle and button rechromed, be certain to advise the plater to allow adequate clearances. mike


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