Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette - NCRS Discussion Boards

Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

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  • Ciro A.
    • October 17, 2006
    • 71

    Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

    The climate control panel on my 81 was never able to utilize the "vent" setting on the climate control. The foot vents and defroster work fine but no air when the lever is selected to vent. I took the panel apart and found that a very small fastener that connects the selector levers to the electrical selector switch was broke and is probably the reason for my problem. Any ideas where I can find a used selector panel ( Trying to sell the car) or better yet the cheap plastic fastener. I've enclosed pics
    Thank You in advance[IMG][/IMG]
  • Ciro A.
    • October 17, 2006
    • 71

    Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

    Sorry the pics didn't show up here they are[IMG][/IMG]


    • Ciro A.
      • October 17, 2006
      • 71

      Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette


      • Ciro A.
        • October 17, 2006
        • 71

        Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

        Here is the part that is fastened by the 10 cent fastener, The extended arm attaches to the selectore levers


        • Arland D.
          • July 31, 1980
          • 408

          Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette


          Other than buying a complete assembly from Mid America (or similar supplier at about $150 +) your best shot is a used assembly on ebay or local yard. As you have experienced, the part in question requires some disassembly of the console and either breaks or comes loose causing the control levers to physically 'lock up' or not work correctly because the vacuum tracks that control the vent doors won't line up. For such a small item, it does cause a lot of heater and/or a/c functions to stop working correctly.



          • Ciro A.
            • October 17, 2006
            • 71

            Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

            Thanks Arland,
            I plan on visiting the local junkyard monday. As for E-bay, I'm pretty inexperienced with it, I found nothing, but was wondering how I should have worded my search.....I searched for GM climate control panel, then tried to narrow it down with little luck. It would be nice If I could get the name of the switch and try my luck there but I can't find anything in the AIM either!
            Very frustrating!


            • Doug F.
              Very Frequent User
              • October 31, 1983
              • 322

              Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

              as i recall chevettes of the era were the same


              • Arland D.
                • July 31, 1980
                • 408

                Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette


                There is at least one '82 around that had the button glued back into place but it takes some patience and very careful placement of the adhesive material. It has held up for years..............



                • Jim T.
                  • February 28, 1993
                  • 5351

                  Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

                  Ciro I don't know if you can find the part through NAPA. I do suggest taking the plastic piece to NAPA and ask to search their catalogs to see if you can find something that might work. Dorman makes a lot of small parts.


                  • Ciro A.
                    • October 17, 2006
                    • 71

                    Re: Please help me locate a part for an 81 era Vette

                    Thanks for all your replies, but amazingly to me, Ecklers sells the part!! and only $22 which is way less than I thought I'd have to spend. Now I have to try to remember how to put everything back together, but thats the fun part, and winters coming so lots of time indoors!


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