Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels - NCRS Discussion Boards

Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels

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  • Bob S.
    Very Frequent User
    • December 31, 2003
    • 181

    Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels

    Two years ago I purchased a complete set of 5 lightly used original steel wheels and hubcaps for my '66. They came from a car whose original owner switched to K-O's early on. Over the years he occasionally lent the steel wheels to friends so their cars would be mobile during restoration.

    There's some slight paint overspray on a couple of the wheels (over the original black paint). The paint finish on the four wheels that were on the car is dull compared to the spare.

    I'm wondering if there's any hope of removing the overspray without damaging the black paint. My first thoughts are to try buffing, or maybe carefully use some thinner....

    Any thoughts or suggestions?

  • Gene M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1985
    • 4232

    Re: Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels

    try a mild polishing compound.


    • Gary S.
      Super Moderator
      • January 31, 1984
      • 456

      Re: Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels

      Try a clay bar...It works for me on painted panels of a car.
      Avatar--My first ever vette, owned 3X since 1977, restored 1993-2024. Top Flight Award 9/14/24


      • Bill C.
        Very Frequent User
        • June 25, 2007
        • 106

        Re: Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels

        I have used a clay bar with success. It must be the professional strength used in body shops for this very reason.
        Good luck


        • Chuck S.
          • March 31, 1992
          • 4668

          Re: Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels

          Lacquer thinner is likely to dull the finish further where it is applied; paint thinner or mineral spirits probably won't remove the overspray. I would hold thinners until the last resort.

          You already have a couple of good ideas. Use the clay bar first to remove the overspray, then polish manually to bring the shine back up. Polish with may be possible to over polish, and then there's no going back. Use your spare wheel as reference.


          • John H.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • November 30, 1997
            • 16513

            Re: Paint overspray removal from original steel wheels

            Bob -

            The outer face of the wheels was painted with gloss wheel enamel; if the overspray is lacquer, you may be able to remove it with the methods noted above without damaging the underlying enamel.


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