1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal - NCRS Discussion Boards

1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal

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  • Doug Y.
    Frequent User
    • January 14, 2009
    • 62

    1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal

    I am just installing a new front brake cable into the emerg brake handle assembly on my 1963 but have been unable to remove the cable from the handle. I have looked at assembly manual for help but still no luck. Is there a trick to this? The assembly manual shows a pin to be removed? Any help much appreciated. thx Doug.
  • Timothy B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 30, 1983
    • 5174

    Re: 1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal


    I don't have a picture at hand but the pin is the same part that activates the electrical switch when the cable is released. Many times the top portion of this pin (the part that contacts the switch) is broke and it may only tap out one way.

    I believe there is also a clip that attaches to the end where the cable meets the actual metal brake handle assembly. It's best to remove the complete assembly from the car and lube/repair.

    If you need a picture I can get one later today.. Be careful with the electrical switch..$$$$


    • Bob R.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • June 30, 2002
      • 1595

      Re: 1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal

      When you remove the pin don't twist it. If you do it will snap and break. Use a punch on the back side and knock it straight out.


      • Doug Y.
        Frequent User
        • January 14, 2009
        • 62

        Re: 1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal

        Thanks for your quick help fellas, I was able to get the pin out quite easily. Next issue does anyone sell a 1963 front brake cable. The 64-67 cables are different as the ball on end for 1963 has a hole in it, whereas later cables have smaller ball and cannot be drilled to accept drift pin.


        • Tom H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • November 30, 1993
          • 3440

          Re: 1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal

          I believe I got mine from Long Island Corvette Supply.
          Tom Hendricks
          Proud Member NCRS #23758
          NCM Founding Member # 1143
          Corvette Department Manager and
          Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


          • Tracy C.
            • July 31, 2003
            • 2739

            Re: 1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal

            Originally posted by Doug Young (49869)
            Next issue does anyone sell a 1963 front brake cable.
            You can buy one direct from the manufacturer at inlinetube.com. $55 I've also seen eBay auctions like the one at the link below, where you can buy for $50 from the same place. They are dead nutz accurate. The only problem is after you get it, you will want the two rear cables they make as well for a nice matched set.



            • Doug Y.
              Frequent User
              • January 14, 2009
              • 62

              Re: 1963 emergency brake handle/cable removal

              Thanks Tracy & Tom for speedy replies. I have followed up with Inline and ordered both front & rear cables. It has made my week just by receiving your assistance. Thx again Doug Y.


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