69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

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  • Brad H.
    • January 27, 2009
    • 250

    69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

    I have studied the Judging manual as well as numerous reference books, but I would really like to see a photo of the transmission ident for the TH400. If any of you might have a photo of what the transmission tag, etc is supposed to look like, I would really appreciate seeing it. I don't believe my transmission is original, but I would certainly like to identify it and possibly replace it in the future with a correctly date coded at least transmission. Thanks in advance for what I'm sure has been asked a thousand times before.
    Brad Hood
  • Tom H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 1, 1993
    • 3440

    Re: 69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

    Hi Brad !

    Does this site help ??

    Tom Hendricks
    Proud Member NCRS #23758
    NCM Founding Member # 1143
    Corvette Department Manager and
    Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


    • Gary R.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 1, 1989
      • 1785

      Re: 69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

      Hi Brad,
      How's the car running? Here is the ID tag on my 72 TH400,this is the original trans for this car. I rebuit it a couple of years ago and took this picture after cleaning it up. I used a 69 drum and 32 element sprag when I rebuilt too, the 69 is stronger then the 72's.


      • Jim T.
        • March 1, 1993
        • 5351

        Re: 69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

        Brad if the VIN drivative on your trubo 400 is the same as your VIN, that will be the sure way to identify your transmission as original. The turbo 400 is a good automatic, have over 160,000 on my original owner 1970.


        • Brad H.
          • January 27, 2009
          • 250

          Re: 69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

          Thanks Jim, Gary, and Tom! Those pictures are exactly what I needed.
          I appreciate the help as always!


          • Erv M.
            Very Frequent User
            • February 21, 2007
            • 445

            Re: 69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

            Here is my tag on my 69. Sorry no paint left on it.


            • Erv M.
              Very Frequent User
              • February 21, 2007
              • 445

              Re: 69 Turbo 400 Identification Help

              Originally posted by Erv Myers (46978)
              Here is my tag on my 69. Sorry no paint left on it.

              Try this thread. I had already attached the file once and I do not know how to reassign a photograph.


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