Corvette News & Corvette Restorer Original vs Reprint

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  • Arland D.
    • August 1, 1980
    • 406

    Corvette News & Corvette Restorer Original vs Reprint

    Yesterday Bob Baird started a thread asking about the possible differences between an original issue of Corvette News Vol 1 #1 and the current reprint that has been circulating for a few years. The thread also contained a post or two that referenced the differences between an original issue of the Corvette Restorer Vol 1 #1 and the bogus reprint version that has been around for years (as well as bogus reprints of Vol 1 #2 and #3). This new thread will address both for those who haven't seen the article in Volume 32 #3 Winter 2006 in the Restorer.

    The Restorer article revealed the 'smoking gun' identifier for reprints of Volume 1 #1,#2,and #3 of the Restorer as follows:

    "Original issues #1 and #2 have a somewhat vague amount of space between the staples that tends to vary between samples of the same issue. Original issue #3 was produced by a different printer and shows a consistent space of 4 1/2" between the staples that continues on through subsequent issues. However, all the reprints show a consistent space of 5 1/4" between the inside edge of the staples."

    As for Corvette News Vol 1 #1 this is a theory that was formed in early 2006 after seeing fewer than ten issues of originals and fewer than ten issues of the reprints, however it did apply to each sample inspected. On the cover of the magazine, there is a Corvette medallion placed on top of a map of the U.S. and it is the placement of this medallion that shows a subtle difference.
    On all the originals, the medallion rests on the border of the map at the 5:30 position and there is a small white area at about 2:30 on the medallion that is either a corner of Lake Huron or an artistic attempt at reflection. Either way it is present on the originals although it may be difficult to see in the attachment.
    On all the reprints, the medallion is placed a little higher on the map and does not touch the map at 5:30 and the white area does not exist at 2:30. This can be seen on the attachment. Disregard the color variations on the two attachments since one was an excellent scan and the other a marginal photo.

    At this point in time, this is a theory based on a small sampling so here is your chance to either bolster the theory with more samples or blow it up. For those of you who can contribute feedback because you have an original issue, please indicate how long you have had it in your possesion and where it came from.

    The reason for this clarification is that over the last few years I have been asked to validate original issues of the Restorer only to find that what the member thought was an original turned out to be a copy. Many were bought and sold "as far as I know" and sometimes that isn't very far. If anyone can include a clear copy of the medallion on their Corvette News Vol 1 #1 with the post we can all learn something for future reference. Have at it boys...................
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    Last edited by Arland D.; October 19, 2010, 05:03 PM.
  • Bill M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1977
    • 1386

    Re: Corvette News & Corvette Restorer Original vs Reprint

    There is a complete reprint of Vol. 1 no. 1 in The Best of Corvette News. The cover looks like your original.


    • Bob B.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 1, 2003
      • 829

      Re: Corvette News & Corvette Restorer Original vs Reprint


      Thanks for the detailed response! My Restorer v.1, no.1 has a length of three inches between the inner ends of the staples, so it looks like I might have an original one. If you have any questions about it to add to your sample survey, let me know.

      As for the Corvette News v.1, no.1, my Corvette emblem does NOT touch the US border at 5:30 nor does it have the little white area at 2:30. I checked my other early issues and all emblems touch the border, but v.2, no.2 is the only one that does not have the white area.

      From what I gather, the Restorer "reprints" sound like copies instead of actual reprints. As for the reprint Corvette News, maybe you can shed some light on the printing process. If it were a copy, the quality would be less, but all printed details would be identical. It seems that only the same printer could have made additional copies of this quality by using the same plates. If so, was this done prior to v.1 no.2 to supplement the first issue, meaning that they are leftover originals, or several years later and therefore reprints. Any idea when they were printed?

      Here is a pic of mine.


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