Opinions of reproduction a arms from americas finest corvette - NCRS Discussion Boards

Opinions of reproduction a arms from americas finest corvette

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  • Mike M.
    • February 17, 2010
    • 10

    Opinions of reproduction a arms from americas finest corvette

    Looking to maybe purchase reproduction a arms from americas finest corvettes. Any opinions/reviews of the place? thanks Mike
  • Dan H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 31, 1977
    • 1361

    Re: Opinions of reproduction a arms from americas finest corvette

    Mike, over the last 3 years I've put 6500 miles on a set of all 4 AFC's A-Arms. Had the car aligned, lube it every 2K, no problems I can find. Also, never a deduction during Judging etc. Bushings, ball joints, all appear close to original and work fine. No regrets,
    Last edited by Dan H.; October 18, 2010, 05:25 PM.
    1964 Red FI Coupe, DUNTOV '09
    Drove the 64 over 5000 miles to three Regionals and the San Jose National, one dust storm and 40 lbs of bugs!


    • Jerome P.
      • October 22, 2006
      • 607

      Re: Opinions of reproduction a arms from americas finest corvette

      I got AFC's A-arms, etc on my "72. Absolutely no complaints and a lot of positive comments.


      • Mike Z.
        Very Frequent User
        • January 31, 1988
        • 226

        Re: Opinions of reproduction a arms from americas finest corvette

        A couple of points I have pointed out to Michael of America's Finest; perhaps he has rectified in recent months.
        1) His balljoints come painted black vs. OEM were natural.
        2) His bushings and sometimes some of the shaft hardware are not painted vs. OEM was painted as an assembly.
        3) His lower bumpers are black vs. natural metal on OEM.
        His reproduction Arms are excellent and the above comments come into play only at higher level judging regarding originality. For a driver they are hard to beat.

        Mike Zamora


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