67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker - NCRS Discussion Boards

67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

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  • Kirk M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 2006
    • 1036

    67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

    Can someone show a picture of the "O" on the light shield and the "P" on the striker of the 67 glove box light assembly? Thanks.

  • Scott S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • September 11, 2009
    • 1961

    Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

    Originally posted by Kirk McHugh (46057)
    Can someone show a picture of the "O" on the light shield and the "P" on the striker of the 67 glove box light assembly? Thanks.

    Hi Kirk,

    Is this the "O" you are looking for? Not easy to blow the picture up large enough to see it clearly without losing detail.
    Attached Files


    • Steve B.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • February 28, 2002
      • 1188

      Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

      Scott, that is the same as mine. The striker plate on mine has a P stamped on it.


      • Kirk M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 30, 2006
        • 1036

        Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker


        Could you take a picture of the striker plate? Thanks.



        • Steve B.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 28, 2002
          • 1188

          Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

          Kirk, I just tried but it always comes out blurry. I will try again and if it comes out clear, I will post it.


          • Scott S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • September 11, 2009
            • 1961

            Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

            I think I was able to get a decent picture of the "P".

            UPC 1ASM, Sheet E4, Item 14, "3841222 Striker". Mine had two chrome Philips washer-head screws (Item 18, "3756994 Screw") with two washers for each screw (washers not shown in the AIM).
            Attached Files


            • Kirk M.
              Extremely Frequent Poster
              • June 30, 2006
              • 1036

              Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

              Thanks. Appreciate it.



              • Steve B.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • February 28, 2002
                • 1188

                Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

                Scott, thanks for the pic. My car just uses the screws with no additional washers.


                • Scott S.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • September 11, 2009
                  • 1961

                  Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

                  Originally posted by Steve Bramati (37512)
                  Scott, thanks for the pic. My car just uses the screws with no additional washers.
                  Hi Steve,

                  The glove box liner is torn in that area, which might have required additional washers as spacers. If it doesn't need the extra washers, I won't use them. I was able to find an NOS glove box liner, but the original is otherwise in great shape, I would rather re-use the original if it can be repaired.

                  Is there a way to effectively repair damage like this?
                  Attached Files


                  • Steve B.
                    Extremely Frequent Poster
                    • February 28, 2002
                    • 1188

                    Re: 67 Glove Box Light Shield and Striker

                    Scott, I'm not sure if that can be repaired or not. Hopefully someone will provide a better answer.


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