1962 Head Light switch- 095 or 096 marking???

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  • Anthony P.
    • June 28, 2010
    • 485

    1962 Head Light switch- 095 or 096 marking???


    I am a bit confused with some conflicting info on the right stampings for a 62 headlight switch. May 31, 1962 build date.

    1. The AIM indicates part number 1995096.

    2. The Judging manual indicated that the housing should be marked "095" and replacements may have been stamped "096".

    3. From what I have read, the last 3 digits of the part # should be stamped on it, thus, given the AIM that should be "096"

    4. What appears to be the original (not 100% sure) shows "096" on the bottom.

    So my question is, what is the correct stamping for my car, 095 or 096?


  • Jack H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1990
    • 9906

    Re: 1962 Head Light switch- 095 or 096 marking???

    Methinks that an old wife's tale perpetuated by an NCRS member who's no longer with us. The '096 headlight switch is what's called out in the AIM and that goes WAY back to '59. Plus, the color of the ceramic used for the dimmer pot WAS an off-white, sometimes called 'salmon'.

    The '095 headlight switch WAS used, one year only, on '63 Corvettes. Some just might have gotten into production late in '62, but I can't confirm/deny.

    This switch is similar to the '096 and it's dimmer pot ceramic IS white vs. salmon/brownish. The difference lies in the construction of the wiper portion of the dimmer pot.

    Instead of being a simple rectangular arm as those used in prior years on the '096 switch, the '095 employs a larger, circular shaped pot wiper that has radial 'notches' around the outside edge. The greater mass of circular style wiper provided an enhanced heat sink for the dimmer pot...


    • Anthony P.
      • June 28, 2010
      • 485

      Re: 1962 Head Light switch- 095 or 096 marking???


      Thanks.. So then when Judging is done, I assume that this part is judged since it shows up in the 1962 judging manual. Since the manual specifies "095", how is this judged since it should be 096?




      • Peter L.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 1, 1983
        • 1930

        Re: 1962 Head Light switch- 095 or 096 marking???

        While I like Jack don't have document evidence and it's not clear to me that the 1962 TIM&JG has documented evidence either to support the use of the 095 head lamp switches in later built 62s when the AIM (which isn't always correct either) calls for the 096. In fact, in general my experience is that parts from an earlier years Production, i.e. 1962, get used if they are compatible on the early build cars of the new Production year, i.e. 1963; and I know some owners of early built 1963 Corvettes have asked the question because they have found 096 head lamp switches in their cars; although again these situation are difficult to confirm from an originality perspective.

        While the 1963 AIM calls for the 095 head lamp switch, there is no call out note giving a date in reference to the change from 1962. The Chevrolet Parts & Accessories Catalog clearly shows the 095 as a 1963 Corvette one year only application and the 096 for 1962 and previous year Corvettes.

        So we can build the bomb and send someone to the moon but we just cannot get those Corvette Production folks at St. Louis to make a Corvette conform to the Judging Manuals. Pete


        • Jack H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • April 1, 1990
          • 9906

          Re: 1962 Head Light switch- 095 or 096 marking???

          That will depend on your interior judges... Newer, less experienced, judges tend to follow the Judging Guide closely. But, there's a reason for why we intentionally renamed that book 'guide' from its former title 'manual'...

          That's because it's intended to be a supplement to the judge's personal knowledge and we know, as with all things created by humans, there are errors from time to time. So, judges are allowed to set aside information in the JG as well as add to the JG when it doesn't completely describe a given situation.

          As an owner, this is something you need to watch and POLITELY appeal if judges call an '096 headlight switch as being 'wrong' for your car. You have the AIM callout and, as Pete said, it's also repeated in the Parts & Accessories Catalog, so you have a case...


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