63 Coup Window install

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  • Carl S.
    Frequent User
    • August 1, 2002
    • 75

    63 Coup Window install

    I am getting ready to install the windows in my 63 Coup. I am looking for some advice on the process by someone who has done it before. I have read many accounts on how to do it but there is nothing like having first hand experience. If there is any one in the Northern part of NJ that would like to help Let me know. My biggest concern is what adhesive/ auto glazing is the best to use. The only one that I know of is 3M 8509, has any one used this? Any advice would be welcome. ctvett@verizon.net
    Thanks to All in advance
  • Mike M.
    NCRS Past President
    • June 1, 1974
    • 8331

    Re: 63 Coup Window install

    adhesives weren't used on the front or rear windows of a 63. it wasn't till 64 that adhesives were used to secure the rear windows . the 63's had rubber weatherstrips for front and rear. after you install all three pieces of glass, some cauling may be in order if the glass leaks. some folks also use caulking between the weatherstrip and the body(as the factory did). your local 3-m paint shop should be able to recommend an appropriate caulk. good luck and don't break any glass. mike


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