Original owner '72 Steel Cities Grey ZR1 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Original owner '72 Steel Cities Grey ZR1

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  • Steven B.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • June 30, 1982
    • 3949

    Original owner '72 Steel Cities Grey ZR1

    Anyone know the original owner of a 1972 Steel Cities Grey black interior ZR1 coupe with luggage rack purchased in Flint, Mi? Modified by the first owner for autocrossing by changing out cam and carb. I know a subsequent owner.

  • Jack H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • March 31, 1990
    • 9906

    Re: Original owner '72 Steel Cities Grey ZR1

    If you don't get a positive reply (my hunch is you won't--not enough info; you're only reaching a fraction of the NCRS membership; plus it's a major holiday weekend), consider this:

    In a month the new NCRS Corvette Shipping system will be up. For $40 + the VIN of the car, you'll get the date it was shipped from the factory + the original ordering dealership. That at least puts you to the place the car was originally sold new, eh?


    • Dick W.
      Former NCRS Director Region IV
      • June 30, 1985
      • 10483

      Re: Original owner '72 Steel Cities Grey ZR1

      Contact Drew Papsun or Sal Carbone, frequent posters on this board. They have tracked these cars for several years.
      Dick Whittington


      • Steven B.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • June 30, 1982
        • 3949

        Re: Original owner '72 Steel Cities Grey ZR1

        Thanks guys. A few years ago the car appeared in Vette or Corvette Fever, I can't remember which and too lazy to look. It was a low mile car that had a restoration, although it was in very good condition before resto. LastI knew it was on the East Coast.



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