Adjusting headlights (just the bulbs)

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  • Lawrence R.
    • March 24, 2010
    • 56

    Adjusting headlights (just the bulbs)

    I have the garage door and 75 foot of level driveway, My headlights are not where they are doing me good and I cannot find anything about adjusting height and side. I have seen where you turn them on and tape the door but no information about how high or low on the door. Does anyone have some information on this. Thanks
  • Larry M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • January 1, 1992
    • 2683

    Re: Adjusting headlights (just the bulbs)

    I checked a Chevrolet Chassis Service Manual, and there is some information on headlight aiming. However, the detailed specifications are missing, so it may not provide all you need.

    Suggest "googling" HOW TO ADJUST AUTOMOBILE HEADLIGHTS. I just did this and a LOT of excellent info came up, including headlight beam drop and angles at various distances in front of the car. Probably all you want/need to know.

    I just adjust mine after dark so they "look about right" and then go for a drive. If I can see the road okay, and the other drivers don't "constantly flash their headlights at me" I consider it successful. Sort of BUBBA, but it has worked for 40+ years. If problems, I re-adjust.



    • Edward J.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • September 16, 2008
      • 6939

      Re: Adjusting headlights (just the bulbs)

      Lawerence, There maybe some headlamp adjusters behind the bezel of the headlamps, pop up the headlamps and remove a bezel the adjuster mechanisms should be phillips head screws threaded into a plastic base.

      Sorry Lawerence I misread your post.
      Last edited by Edward J.; August 20, 2010, 08:20 PM.
      New England chapter member, 63 Convert. 327/340- Chapter/Regional/national Top Flight, 72 coupe- chapter and regional Top Flight.


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