Replacing '60 restored engine block to car. - NCRS Discussion Boards

Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

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  • Valeria H.
    Very Frequent User
    • July 27, 2009
    • 463

    Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

    I have a beautiful 1960 that does not have it's original engine in it. It is thought that my car was raced early on and who knows what happened to the original engine.
    I have the opportunity to place a restored 1960 engine block in my car and listing the engine as as "restored 1960" engine.

    Do I have any chance of having my car judged and getting anywhere with a certificate of pedigree?
    Valeria Hutchinson
    Past Chairman of the Carolinas Chapter

    1960 Roman Red w/ White Coves -"Bella"
    2005 Millennium Yellow 6 speed 400 HP - "Trixie"
  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

    Originally posted by Valeria Hutchinson (50643)
    I have a beautiful 1960 that does not have it's original engine in it. It is thought that my car was raced early on and who knows what happened to the original engine.
    I have the opportunity to place a restored 1960 engine block in my car and listing the engine as as "restored 1960" engine.

    Do I have any chance of having my car judged and getting anywhere with a certificate of pedigree?

    I do not know what a "certificate of pedigree" is. However, if the engine block is Saginaw-cast, of the correct casting number (i.e. 3756519) and is of a casting date correct for the car (i.e. 6 months or less prior to the car's build date), you will receive the majority of the judging points for the engine and would not be precluded from receiving a top flight award.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Alexander C.
      • June 20, 2010
      • 353

      Re: Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

      Yup, be sure to check the date code! You don't want to buy an incorrectly dated block if you are going to that much trouble and expense.


      • Terry D.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • May 31, 1987
        • 2686

        Re: Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

        If you are going down that points road you should order a copy of the Judging sheets for your car. That way you will have a better idea of how points are obtained. You can order them from the NCRS.


        • Jack H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • March 31, 1990
          • 9906

          Re: Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

          Not only are casting date and casting number required to be correct/matching but the 'configuration' of the block also needs to comply. Blocks were cast at Saginaw to serve the Flint engine plant, at Tonawanda, NY and at St. Catherines, Ontario.

          Corvettes used Saginaw/Flint SB engines exclusively. So, execute the 'due diligence' to ensure you're not buying a 'taxi cab' or Canadian engine block!


          • Terry M.
            Beyond Control Poster
            • September 30, 1980
            • 15543

            Re: Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

            Originally posted by Jack Humphrey (17100)
            Not only are casting date and casting number required to be correct/matching but the 'configuration' of the block also needs to comply. Blocks were cast at Saginaw to serve the Flint engine plant, at Tonawanda, NY and at St. Catherines, Ontario.

            Corvettes used Saginaw/Flint SB engines exclusively. So, execute the 'due diligence' to ensure you're not buying a 'taxi cab' or Canadian engine block!
            No intentions here to draw this off topic, but the Saginaw only casting is almost exclusive, and maybe for 1960 we don't need to deal with the exceptions to the Saginaw only casting. Since 1960 is not my forte, I won’t go there, but anyone reading this for a 1968 and newer just needs to know there are exceptions to the Saginaw only casting rule.
            Last edited by Terry M.; August 20, 2010, 11:28 AM.


            • Terry M.
              Beyond Control Poster
              • September 30, 1980
              • 15543

              Re: Replacing '60 restored engine block to car.

              Originally posted by Terry Deusterman (11486)
              If you are going down that points road you should order a copy of the Judging sheets for your car. That way you will have a better idea of how points are obtained. You can order them from the NCRS.

              Score sheets are available for down load at yopur convenience from this site. For your ease of downloading I present the following link:



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