C-4 Parts

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  • David L.
    • December 1, 1981
    • 116

    C-4 Parts

    A few months ago I posted my intent to purchase a C-4. I found a 35,000 mile beauty after weighing the pros and cons as contributed by members on the TB. Now my question is, what should I be squirreling away in anticipation of parts failing in the next several years? Any who have experiences they wish to relate will be greatly appreciated. I hope to narrow this down to a short list since I understand the C-4's have more parts included in their build then any other generation. The car has the tuned port engine with the 4 speed, three speed manual transmission. Also, what does GM stock or where I might go to find specific parts.


  • Pat M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 2006
    • 1564

    Re: C-4 Parts

    David that's a great question I wish I knew the answer to. I've bought as many hoses and other similar perishable parts still available I could think of for my 96 from my local dealer.

    Unless you can find an exhaustive list by people far more knowledgeable than me, I'd go to my local dealer and simply see what's still available.

    Good luck.


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43129

      Re: C-4 Parts

      Originally posted by David Lyon (5133)
      A few months ago I posted my intent to purchase a C-4. I found a 35,000 mile beauty after weighing the pros and cons as contributed by members on the TB. Now my question is, what should I be squirreling away in anticipation of parts failing in the next several years? Any who have experiences they wish to relate will be greatly appreciated. I hope to narrow this down to a short list since I understand the C-4's have more parts included in their build then any other generation. The car has the tuned port engine with the 4 speed, three speed manual transmission. Also, what does GM stock or where I might go to find specific parts.



      I don't think that your dealer is going to be able to provide any sort of list as to what parts remain available for your car. It would also be very time-consuming for myself or anyone else to provide you with such a list.

      In general, you are going to find that the list of GM-available parts for a 1989 or earlier C4 is going to be quite limited. As far as interior or trim parts, the list is going to be VERY short. As far as mechanical, electrical or suspension parts, there will be some still available and others that are discontinued might be available from the aftermarket.

      So, what to concentrate on acquiring? Well, my suggestion is to focus on wear or life-limited parts that are Corvette-unique and especially those that were only used for a few model years.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • David L.
        • December 1, 1981
        • 116

        Re: C-4 Parts

        Thanks, Joe and Pat. I figured I'd get the answers you provided. Guess I'll just play it by ear and buy when something comes available that I might need in the future.
        Problem is, I don't know what I might need.



        • Joe L.
          Beyond Control Poster
          • February 1, 1988
          • 43129

          Re: C-4 Parts

          Originally posted by David Lyon (5133)
          Problem is, I don't know what I might need.


          As Shakespeare once wrote "aye, there's the rub...". My solution (albeit and expensive one)? Buy EVERYTHING! That's how I ended up with 14,800 NOS parts (and counting).
          In Appreciation of John Hinckley


          • Pat M.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • April 1, 2006
            • 1564

            Re: C-4 Parts

            David I started by simply raising my hood and making a list of every reasonably perishable thing I could see and then asking my dealer if it was still available. To my surprise most were.

            Another angle I used is to ask a mechanic who works on C4s what parts he can think of that are difficult to get. You might be surprised how many parts he may be able to name off the top of his head.


            • Patrick N.
              Very Frequent User
              • March 11, 2008
              • 943

              Re: C-4 Parts

              TSB's can also give a clue. Overall, my C4 has been great mechanically, other than replacing the obvious tin-shim intake manifold gasket, headlight motor gears and the rear hatch solenoid. It's my driver and it has been very reliable! The top targa plastic can craze overtime and crack ,that is a good one to find NOS.

              Nose and gas cap emblem fade something fierce so I have a new set.



              • David L.
                • December 1, 1981
                • 116

                Re: C-4 Parts

                Thanks, Patrick. I've recorded your comments. The C-4 graveyard sounds like an excellent source.



                • Patrick N.
                  Very Frequent User
                  • March 11, 2008
                  • 943

                  Re: C-4 Parts

                  glad to help,

                  Check out contemporarycorvette website and view the Wreck of the Week section-it's something to behold


                  • David L.
                    • December 1, 1981
                    • 116

                    Re: C-4 Parts

                    I've bookmarked the site. Thanks! Hopefully, this type of information will continue to come in and I can compile a resource list. The '85 wreck is basically the same car as mine. Hope it never ends up looking like that!



                    • Jim W.
                      Frequent User
                      • November 1, 1994
                      • 94

                      Re: C-4 Parts

                      Originally posted by David Lyon (5133)
                      A few months ago I posted my intent to purchase a C-4. I found a 35,000 mile beauty after weighing the pros and cons as contributed by members on the TB. Now my question is, what should I be squirreling away in anticipation of parts failing in the next several years? Any who have experiences they wish to relate will be greatly appreciated. I hope to narrow this down to a short list since I understand the C-4's have more parts included in their build then any other generation. The car has the tuned port engine with the 4 speed, three speed manual transmission. Also, what does GM stock or where I might go to find specific parts.



                      David, I have a C4 and the one really 'Hard to find' was the brake master cylinder, followed by some interior parts. Good Luck !
                      Each day is a gift, respect it, and enjoy it as if it were the last!


                      • Joe L.
                        Beyond Control Poster
                        • February 1, 1988
                        • 43129

                        Re: C-4 Parts

                        Originally posted by Jim Ward (25392)
                        David, I have a C4 and the one really 'Hard to find' was the brake master cylinder, followed by some interior parts. Good Luck !

                        The interior parts I can understand. However, difficulty finding the master cylinder surprises me. The 1984 master cylinder is still available from GM and Delco under the original part number of 14046850, aka Delco #174-836. Alternately, a virtually identical master cylinder is available under GM #18030473, aka Delco #18M231.
                        In Appreciation of John Hinckley


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