56-57 Radio delete block off plate - NCRS Discussion Boards

56-57 Radio delete block off plate

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  • Edward M.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • October 31, 1985
    • 1916

    56-57 Radio delete block off plate

    Trying to figure out what radio delete block off plate would be correct for a 56 Corvette.

    I know what the judging manual says. I have questions about that.

    OK, here is what I know. The 56-57 AIM shows the plate (actually called a Cover) with the single horizontal line. The part number listed is 3706916. (AIM Sheet B 4.00). This sheet was redrawn on 5/13/57

    The April 1, 1956 and the March 1, 1957 parts manual both list this part as 3706868.

    So, the parts manuals list a different part number than the AIM. The AIM sheet was redrawn AFTER the 1957 parts manual was published.

    Does anyone know for sure what 3706868 actaully looks like?
  • Alexander C.
    • June 20, 2010
    • 353

    Re: 56-57 Radio delete block off plate



    • Rod K.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 31, 1990
      • 439

      Re: 56-57 Radio delete block off plate

      May be the "starburst" style. Noland Adams shows one on '57 S/N 1765, pg 139 of his C1 book. JG allows for possible use of this cover up to about 2500, and I always assumed it was the '56 cover carried over into '57.


      • Edward M.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • October 31, 1985
        • 1916

        Re: 56-57 Radio delete block off plate

        Originally posted by Rod Kramer (17041)
        May be the "starburst" style. Noland Adams shows one on '57 S/N 1765, pg 139 of his C1 book. JG allows for possible use of this cover up to about 2500, and I always assumed it was the '56 cover carried over into '57.
        That is what I suspect Rod. Thanks for pointing out that page in Noland's book, I had forgotten about that.

        The parts manual shows this part number as applicable for 1953 to 1957 Corvettes.

        Anybody ever see a 53 to 55 radio delete Corvette? That has got to be rare.
        Last edited by Edward M.; August 17, 2010, 06:23 AM.


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