1994-96 Floor Mats

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  • Pat F.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 1, 1981
    • 850

    1994-96 Floor Mats

    HELP- I am conducting a survey to help out a number of owners of 1995 Corvettes that have come up with different floor mats.
    I have early 1995 (2nd day of production -August 4, 1994) original floor mats and the driver's side does not have a bezel to facilitate a plastic floor mounted hook as stated in the 1994-96 Judging Manual. I have been advised that other 1995's have in some cases no bezel and in other cases, they have the bezel. I have contacted the owner of a 1996 with 4,900 miles on the odometer and he has the bezel. (Photos attached)
    Additionally, a second issue has arisen concerning the "Patent No 5154961" on the underside of both the driver and passenger floor carpets. Some 1995's do and some 95 do not.
    I agreed to put out this survey to help our members try and resolve what looks like production line changes.
    Anyone with a 1994-95-96 is welcome to offer their two cents. You can answer on this forum, pm me or send me an email -fulassoc@comcast.net.
    Would appreciate your last six VIN numbers to help out any changes.
    Attached Files
    PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters
  • Pat F.
    Very Frequent User
    • April 1, 1981
    • 850

    Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

    The attached is a photo of my 1995 Driver's Side Floor Mat, with no Bezel.
    Attached Files
    PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


    • Pat M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • April 1, 2006
      • 1564

      Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

      Hi Charlie. The driver's mat on my original owner June built 8K mile 96 has the bezel, and both mats have the patent number on the back. I'll email you with my VIN. Regards, Pat
      Attached Files


      • Pat F.
        Very Frequent User
        • April 1, 1981
        • 850

        Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

        Thanks Pat for your participation. Your information is a great help.

        Tom Hendricks of Buds Chevrolet has also provided a great deal of information and according to Tom, the carpet hook part number 1035195 is still available from GM. It shows application of 95-96 Corvette. Thanks to Tom for this tip.
        PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


        • Tom H.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 1, 1993
          • 3440

          Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

          Hey all !

          Just to assist in Charlie's pursuit of information, it would be nice to know if your car has the hook in the floor for the bezel mat. Since many mats have been switched and worn out over the years, the presense of the hook may give an indicator of the change time. Mats come and go, but many of these cars still have the original carpet !

          Keep up the good work Charlie "Pat".
          Last edited by Tom H.; August 10, 2010, 07:56 AM.
          Tom Hendricks
          Proud Member NCRS #23758
          NCM Founding Member # 1143
          Corvette Department Manager and
          Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


          • Jim T.
            • March 1, 1993
            • 5351

            Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

            My original owner LT4 with all black interior still has the original carpeting and floor mats with hooks.


            • Pat F.
              Very Frequent User
              • April 1, 1981
              • 850

              Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

              Jim, what year do you have and I presume you have the bezel.
              Thanks for the response.
              PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


              • Tom H.
                Extremely Frequent Poster
                • December 1, 1993
                • 3440

                Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

                Originally posted by Charlie Fullam (4489)
                Jim, what year do you have and I presume you have the bezel.
                Thanks for the response.
                Jim's car is an LT4, buddy. Got to be a 96 !!!! You didn't get any sleep last night, did ya !! ?? See ya in Carlisle !
                Last edited by Tom H.; August 10, 2010, 11:21 AM.
                Tom Hendricks
                Proud Member NCRS #23758
                NCM Founding Member # 1143
                Corvette Department Manager and
                Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


                • Pat M.
                  Extremely Frequent Poster
                  • April 1, 2006
                  • 1564

                  Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

                  My carpet has the hook.


                  • Stan G.
                    • January 1, 1996
                    • 106

                    Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

                    I'll throw my two cents in and muddy the water a bit . Just recently bought a 18,000 mile 95 built apr 25th with original carpet with two sets of floor mats one with bezel one without , don't know which set came with the car .One set was on top of the other , both have the pat # on the backs , car has the hook in the floor .


                    • Pat F.
                      Very Frequent User
                      • April 1, 1981
                      • 850

                      Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

                      Stan, thanks for your response. The hook in the floor may tell what the original mat was when your Corvette was built. But like you said to muddy the waters. This is a great help.
                      Still looking for a response from a 1994 Corvette owner.
                      PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


                      • Arland D.
                        • August 1, 1980
                        • 406

                        Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats


                        94 first week of production - no bezel both have the patent #. Good luck with your survey,



                        • Pat F.
                          Very Frequent User
                          • April 1, 1981
                          • 850

                          Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

                          Arland, thanks for your response. We needed a 94 response. It is a great help to our survey.

                          To the other owners of 94-96's, take a walk out to your garage and take a peek at the floor mats and at least tell us if you have the bezel and the approximate build date.

                          Thanks in advance.
                          PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


                          • Pat F.
                            Very Frequent User
                            • April 1, 1981
                            • 850

                            Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

                            We are getting there. I have narrowed the time frame of the change over from no bezel to bezel in the floor mat. We have no bezel at 11/4/94 and a bezeled mat on 4/4/95. Please if anyone else would care to chime in, I would appreciate it. I still have a couple more prospects. The folks on the Corvette Forum have been very helpful in this survey.
                            Thanks to all
                            PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


                            • Pat F.
                              Very Frequent User
                              • April 1, 1981
                              • 850

                              Re: 1994-96 Floor Mats

                              Come on folks, who wants to be the winner and be the nearest to the change over point of the non-bezel-bezel floor mats game. Its between 11/94 and 4/4/95. All you owners of 1995 Corvettes, get up and go out and look at that floor mat and help us out. Just need yes or no and the build date off the door jam.

                              Thanks to all of you that have responded to date.
                              PAT, Central New Jersey and Florida Chapters


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