I have a 1965 coupe that I have owned for 39 years. It has always had a water leak on the driver side of the winshield left of the rearview mirror. Another 1965 coupe owner told me that he thinks there were GM service bulletins that dealt with this problem. Does anyone have knowledge of such bulletins?
Windshield Water Leaks in 1965 coupe
Re: Windshield Water Leaks in 1965 coupe
I have a 1965 coupe that I have owned for 39 years. It has always had a water leak on the driver side of the winshield left of the rearview mirror. Another 1965 coupe owner told me that he thinks there were GM service bulletins that dealt with this problem. Does anyone have knowledge of such bulletins?
I have saved a lot of discussions about leaks (in midyears) around the windshield area, from the archives here and over on the CF, but I checked my notes and I don't have anything relating to a leak where you describe.
Hopefully someone who has the Service Bulletins, or other solutions, will see this Thread and reply.
Good luck!
Scott- Top
Re: Windshield Water Leaks in 1965 coupe
Can you actually se the leak at the windshield.........or is it possible that it is down in what I call the wiper valleys?
In 1973 when I was getting the 63 ready for paint, I thought I was doing a really good deed when I scraped about 3 lbs of hardened "dum-dum" out of the driver's valley. First time after paint that I washed the car, I found why it was there. Ultimately in a later talk with the original owner, he recited that he had been to 3 dealers before the problem was fixed.- Top
Re: Windshield Water Leaks in 1965 coupe
I am just working on a 63 coupe and found that the area underneath the wiper vents were plugged up with leaves and crud. You need to clean out the water drain hole which is located beside the body mount below the front door frame so that water runs out the drain instead of inside of the car. I had same problem with my 65 Roadster 10 years ago. I also repacked some dum dum around the wiper post which attaches to the wiper blades and this solved the problem.- Top