74 all lights flashing?

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  • Joseph P.
    • September 8, 2009
    • 138

    74 all lights flashing?

    I bought my son a 74, 350, stick about 8 months ago. It had a few electrical problems that were resolved. Today he took the car for a short ride and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. However when he turned the car off and got out he noticed all the lights in side and out were flashing. The battery went dead. Up to this point no problems with battery for months. I installed a new alternator. I have never had this happen on any of my other vettes. I would appreciate input on this problem. thank you. Joe
  • John L.
    • October 1, 1996
    • 159

    Re: 74 all lights flashing?

    Joe, sorry you haven't gotten a lot of input on this so far.
    Maybe someone will chime in on this.


    • Kevin P.
      Frequent User
      • November 1, 1975
      • 86

      Re: 74 all lights flashing?

      JOE, Sounds like some kind of a alarm thats making the lights flash. check to see if any alarm boxes under dash?


      • Roger O.
        • September 8, 2009
        • 209

        Re: 74 all lights flashing?

        Are you saying this happened once and now the car is OK since you installed the new alternator ?


        • Michael W.
          • April 1, 1997
          • 4290

          Re: 74 all lights flashing?

          Sounds like a loose battery cable to me.


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