Re-install of rocker hangers on an AO Smith C2 - NCRS Discussion Boards

Re-install of rocker hangers on an AO Smith C2

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  • Gary C.
    Very Frequent User
    • March 31, 1998
    • 368

    Re-install of rocker hangers on an AO Smith C2

    Would anyone know the exact measurements to re-install the rocker panel hangers on a C2 AO Smith birdcage?
    The AIM shows them but the are no dimensions.
  • Donald T.
    • September 30, 2002
    • 1319

    Re: Re-install of rocker hangers on an AO Smith C2


    I used the original rocker moulding as a template. This way I was able to just tack weld the brackets in place and then test fit as I went. Once all of the brackets were in place and I was happy with the fit, I went back and finished welding. Obviously, the brackets were originally spot welded but once the body is installed it would be very difficult to detect.


    • Gary C.
      Very Frequent User
      • March 31, 1998
      • 368

      Re: Re-install of rocker hangers on an AO Smith C2

      Thanks Donald,


      • Jack H.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • March 31, 1990
        • 9906

        Re: Re-install of rocker hangers on an AO Smith C2

        So, break loose from Perth and go to the horsies mouth in Sydney... If memory serves Murray and Wendy Forman have a pair of mid-years in their garage and he IS your chapter's 'fearless leader', eh?


        • Gary C.
          Very Frequent User
          • March 31, 1998
          • 368

          Re: Re-install of rocker hangers on an AO Smith C2

          Its a long way from Perth to Sydney Jack.
          Anyway Ian measured his 66 as below.
          Now would this be the same on a 65?

          I am thinking about doing my L78.



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