67 BB Fan Shroud, Painted or Natural???

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  • George P.
    • September 1, 1988
    • 17

    67 BB Fan Shroud, Painted or Natural???

    I know the judging guide says painted but I can't find anyone that agrees with that. Can anyone explain why this can't be clearly defined?
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 67 BB Fan Shroud, Painted or Natural???

    George -

    Good question! Both shrouds arrived at St. Louis as three separate pieces of fiberglass, and were bonded together in assembly fixtures into the final one-piece shroud. When I was there in '67-'68, I don't recall ever seeing any racks of fan shrouds entering, in, or leaving the Paint Shop.

    I find it difficult to believe that the big-block shroud was carted off and painted after bonding and the nearly identical small-block shroud was not; both were dark gray fiberglass when they arrived. I didn't pay any attention to it at the time, and George Barlos (the process engineer that knew it all at St. Louis) is gone.


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