60 Rear Bumperette bolt and Castle Nut

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  • James M.
    • February 26, 2008
    • 49

    60 Rear Bumperette bolt and Castle Nut

    I need some help with the configuration for the Left and Right bumperette bolts and the corresponding "castle" nut. The AIM shows the bolt going down and the nut on the bottom, but I understand from a couple of other folks that the nut should be on top with the bolt coming up from the bottom. Would appreciate any guidance on this issue.

  • Jack H.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • April 1, 1990
    • 9906

    Re: 60 Rear Bumperette bolt and Castle Nut

    I can't tell you the 'correct' answer, but I CAN say there are quite a few places where AIM drawing deviate from actual production norms...

    The AIM was a means of internal communication where designers told the production facilities 'how to'. It wasn't that uncommon for designers to 're-use' existing drawings and/or to 'simplify' them. Plus, once model year change-over came, most all assy steps were 'methodized' (time and motion simplification) and these could wind up changing the order from what's depicted in a given AIM drawing...


    • Louis B.
      Infrequent User
      • September 1, 1994
      • 15

      Re: 60 Rear Bumperette bolt and Castle Nut

      Castle nut on the top.


      • James M.
        • February 26, 2008
        • 49

        Re: 60 Rear Bumperette bolt and Castle Nut

        It certainly appears that the AIM was not the most "production friendly" approach to installing these bolts and nuts. Bolt from the bottom up and castle nut on top is the way I will go.

        Thanks for everyones comments.



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