82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch - NCRS Discussion Boards

82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch

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  • Christopher L.
    • May 31, 2004
    • 15

    82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch

    My 82 rear hatch won't unlatch completely. When I pull the release handle the hatch will unlatch partially but is still locked in. Is there a secondary quick release in the rear wall area or do I have to dismantle the rear speaker/carpeting area to get at it? I checked the corvette catalogs for rear hatch cable? assemblies etc. and could not find anything related. Thank you for your assistance.

  • Joe L.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • January 31, 1988
    • 43160

    Re: 82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch

    Originally posted by Christopher Lowe (42043)
    My 82 rear hatch won't unlatch completely. When I pull the release handle the hatch will unlatch partially but is still locked in. Is there a secondary quick release in the rear wall area or do I have to dismantle the rear speaker/carpeting area to get at it? I checked the corvette catalogs for rear hatch cable? assemblies etc. and could not find anything related. Thank you for your assistance.


    There is no secondary release HANDLE or SWITCH that I know of.

    The system consists of left and right latches. The primary latch is the left side latch and the secondary latch is the right side latch. The primary latch is activated by a cable. The secondary latch is activated by another cable which is activated from the primary latch. This is a system that's very similar to the hood latch release system on C3 Corvettes and that may be where its design "inspiration" came from.

    If you have a situation in which your left side did unlatch but the right side did not, then I suspect that there's a problem with the secondary cable or secondary latch.

    By the way, the reason that you probably won't find any of this in Corvette parts vendor catalogs is that all of these parts are GM-discontinued and I am not aware that any are reproduced.

    Addendum: there's also one other possibility I failed to mention. The secondary cable has a retaining clip near the center. I believe that if this clip breaks or dislodges, it will also cause the right side to fail to release. Let's hope this is the problem since it's the easiest and cheapest to repair.

    While none of these parts are available from GM or in reproduction as I previously mentioned, they are available used from Pacific Corvette and, likely, other Corvette used sources. Even used, though, many of these pieces can be quite expensive. They are unique to 1982 Collector's Edition cars.
    Last edited by Joe L.; June 20, 2010, 04:11 PM.
    In Appreciation of John Hinckley


    • Christopher L.
      • May 31, 2004
      • 15

      Re: 82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch

      Thanks Joe. Sounds like I'll need to dismantle the rear wall to see what is not releasing completely. Both posts are releasing but not far enough which may indicate that the primary and secondary cable are functioning but may need adjustment. I hope. Thanks for your assistance.


      • Billy O.
        • February 28, 2006
        • 18

        Re: 82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch


        The other problem the Collector's Edition hatch is notorious for is the force of the gas-charged struts pushing the glass rear-ward further jamming the release mechanism. The upper hinges were just not robust enough to keep the glass in a fixed position over time. Good luck with your findings.



        • Tom S.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • February 29, 2004
          • 1087

          Re: 82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch

          Try pushing down on the rear hatch while someone else pulls the cable handle for you. That will help relieve some of the pressure.Tom


          • Tom H.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • November 30, 1993
            • 3440

            Re: 82 Collector Rear Hatch Won't Unlatch

            Originally posted by Tom Stanton (41491)
            Try pushing down on the rear hatch while someone else pulls the cable handle for you. That will help relieve some of the pressure.Tom

            That was going to be my suggestion. Try that !
            Tom Hendricks
            Proud Member NCRS #23758
            NCM Founding Member # 1143
            Corvette Department Manager and
            Specialist for 27 years at BUDS Chevrolet.


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