1969 Corvette Flasher Question

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  • Steve M.
    Very Frequent User
    • January 1, 2006
    • 256

    1969 Corvette Flasher Question

    I have a 69 convertible with only 40,00 miles that seems to be in original condition. I was checking the flasher units to see what kind are present. The turn signal flasher is a blue Tung Sol with the original paper capacitor which matches previous discussion post. The Hazard Flasher is an Ideal in a natural aluminum case with silk screen Ideal Corp., Made in USA, Pat. Nos. 3,090,851 3,153,125, Heavy Duty Flasher, 536 HW, 12 Volt, U 099E. In one of the previous post it indicated that the flasher should be an Ideal 552. Was 552 the only flasher used for a 1969?

  • Terry M.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • October 1, 1980
    • 15541

    Re: 1969 Corvette Flasher Question

    Steve here is the proposed text for the next revision:
    "1969 Hazard Flashers - A Signal-Stat 175 non-DOT w/ metal cover w/ green
    175 silk screened on the top OR a Tung-Sol 552 non-DOT w/natural metal cover embossed on the top OR an IDEAL 552 w/ metal cover & silk screen around the cover."

    I should point out this text is only a submission and has not been approved.

    What is the build date of your 1969?


    • Joe L.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • February 1, 1988
      • 43129

      Re: 1969 Corvette Flasher Question

      Originally posted by Steve Morrow (45063)
      I have a 69 convertible with only 40,00 miles that seems to be in original condition. I was checking the flasher units to see what kind are present. The turn signal flasher is a blue Tung Sol with the original paper capacitor which matches previous discussion post. The Hazard Flasher is an Ideal in a natural aluminum case with silk screen Ideal Corp., Made in USA, Pat. Nos. 3,090,851 3,153,125, Heavy Duty Flasher, 536 HW, 12 Volt, U 099E. In one of the previous post it indicated that the flasher should be an Ideal 552. Was 552 the only flasher used for a 1969?


      Hazard warning lamp flashers rarely get replaced. For one thing, they don't get used very much, if at all. In fact, most folks wouldn't even know if the flashers were working, or not. In my original owner 1969 I don't think I've activated the flashers more than 2 or 3 times in over 40 years.
      In Appreciation of John Hinckley


      • David L.
        • August 1, 1980
        • 3310

        Re: 1969 Corvette Flasher Question

        I have a Signal Stat 175 flasher dated "S407" (Syracuse, 40th week of 1967) that was removed from a 1968 Camaro in a salvage yard over 20 years ago. The flasher is aluminum with green printing.
        Last edited by David L.; January 18, 2011, 09:24 PM.


        • Peter L.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • June 1, 1983
          • 1930

          Re: 1969 Corvette Flasher Question

          Steve - I agree with Joe regarding the limited use of the hazard warning system flashers so generally the original flashers are still in the cars if not in the Fuse Panel previous owners sometimes moved them to the turn signal flasher location when the turn signal flasher failed. The 099 on the flasher can is probably a Production Code which would probably translate to the 9th week of 1969, so if your car was built sometime after early March in 1969, the flasher is most likely the original to the car. GM generally had several sources for items like flashers, fuses, wiper blade assemblies, etc and as Terry posted there were other manufacturers flashers used in 1969 and the proposed update to TIM&JG is suggested and Dave showed an example of one of the other manufacturers. My bottomline is that if you have no reason to believe or know that the flasher has been changed and every reason to think it is original to the car, don't change it. We learn new things about these cars every day and don't forget as accurate as we work to make the TIM&JGs, they were not used to build these cars. Pete


          • Peter L.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • June 1, 1983
            • 1930

            Re: 1969 Corvette Flasher Question

            Steve - As you know we're working on updating the 1968-1969 TIM&JG and information on the flashers is being revised as Terry posted and we always want to add new information to improve accuracy so the manuals reflect items installed in vehicle Production. So if the Production Date Code on the IDEAL 536 hazard flasher in your low mileage Corvette is in-line with the build date of your 1969 Corvette, it will help in establishing that the IDEAL 536s are also an acceptable hazard flasher for the 1969 Corvettes. So one way or another (on-line or Private Message) I'd appreciate your feedback on the build date of your 1969 Corvette, so we have that data point. Thanks, Pete


            • Michael M.
              Very Frequent User
              • February 1, 1993
              • 594

              Re: 1969 Corvette Flasher Question

              Dave thanks for posting a picture and the date of your flasher. I have a bunch of these non-DOT flashers and always wondered what the S number ment.


              • David L.
                • August 1, 1980
                • 3310

                Re: 1969 Corvette Flasher Question

                I also have several NOS Signal-Stat 145 "yellow plated" flashers that are stamped "T 444" (44th week 1964), "T495" (49th week of 1965), and "T 475" (47th week of 1965) where the "T" represents Toronto. Signal-Stal also made flashers in Syracuse.


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