Correct distributor band clarification...427 w/TI - NCRS Discussion Boards

Correct distributor band clarification...427 w/TI

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  • Michael G.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • December 31, 1996
    • 1251

    Correct distributor band clarification...427 w/TI

    Doing research on my '66 427 with TI indicates a distributor band/tag # of 111142. It appears band can be ordered in couple finishes. What is considered the norm....silver front side and red back side, or one consistant color? Thanks in advance.
  • Wayne M.
    • February 29, 1980
    • 6414

    Re: Correct distributor band clarification...427 w/TI

    Originally posted by Michael Gill (28614)
    Doing research on my '66 427 with TI indicates a distributor band/tag # of 111142. It appears band can be ordered in couple finishes. What is considered the norm....silver front side and red back side, or one consistant color? Thanks in advance.

    .... tap tap .... tap tap...(waiting).... 6 hours & counting ..

    OK; let me give my opinion. On the distr's I have and those I've taken pics of on eBay, looks like red (out) silver [aluminum] (in) at least from 1964 thru Spring 1969. Then, early 1970, silver (out), red (in), and shortly thereafter, no red at all. All the early '71 thru '74 service and a '74 original factory seem to have no color.

    However, I have a service 1111069 dated 0D23 [probably 1980, given I bought in ~1981] that is red on both sides.

    I believe that 1966 TFP was to have red out, but the occasional distr. was stamped silver out.

    The uncertainty is probably why the color of the band is not discussed in the '65 TIM&JG.


    • Michael G.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • December 31, 1996
      • 1251

      Re: Correct distributor band clarification...427 w/TI

      Thanks for the reply Wayne however the '65 judging manual wouldn't help me since mine is '66.

      Any other opinions on the distributor band?


      • Terry M.
        Beyond Control Poster
        • September 30, 1980
        • 15543

        Re: Correct distributor band clarification...427 w/TI

        And so Michael, what does the 1966 TIM&JG say?

        I could tell you about my 1970, but you don't care about that. I could also tell you what the 1970-72 TIM&JG says, but that doesn't matter to you either.


        • Michael G.
          Extremely Frequent Poster
          • December 31, 1996
          • 1251

          Re: Correct distributor band clarification...427 w/TI


          It offers only "a thin aluminum band" term. Nothing is noted regarding color....hence my inquiry


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