63' Z06, leaf spring color

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  • John A.
    • February 1, 1982
    • 48

    63' Z06, leaf spring color

    In reviewing the JM it states that all 63 leaf springs were painted gray, but I thought I had seen some painted black. Which is correct?
  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: 63' Z06, leaf spring color

    Originally posted by John Armour (5300)
    In reviewing the JM it states that all 63 leaf springs were painted gray, but I thought I had seen some painted black. Which is correct?
    1963 factory photo below; everything BUT the spring was painted chassis black in the basement subassembly area before going up to the main floor for assembly to the frame - the spring was unpainted.

    If you want the points, paint it gray.
    Attached Files


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