Iratic temperature swing - overheating

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  • Joe P.
    • October 5, 2007
    • 209

    That was enough to give me some piece of mind..

    Late yesterday a friend came over with a fancy digital snap on timing light..

    Duke the timing was set at 33, at an idle of 1300 rpm and after some discussion and another test drive. We decided based in part on your recommendation to leave the timing at 33 for now. The car starts great and runs well..

    I ordered a new wire connecting the temperature sending unit to the gauge. I am hoping this will resolve the gauge fluctuation. The weather was cooler in the last few days, so I am going to keep the "MacGyver " gauge in place for a hot day..

    BTW, I dont plan on any permanent "MacGyver" aka BUBBA fixes.. purely for troubleshooting..

    Thanks again for all the advice always greatly appreciated
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    • Duke W.
      Beyond Control Poster
      • January 1, 1993
      • 15491

      Re: Iratic temperature swing - overheating

      Originally posted by Joe Plati (47952)
      That was enough to give me some piece of mind..

      Duke the timing was set at 33, at an idle of 1300 rpm and after some discussion and another test drive. We decided based in part on your recommendation to leave the timing at 33 for now. The car starts great and runs well..
      And you have a non-vacuum advance distributor!!! I guess if it doesn't detonate... whatever...

      There have been recent references to articles about the spark advance map by both John Hinckley and Lars Grimsmund (with an addentum by me.)

      You should print them out and read them however many times it takes for you to understand the deal.



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