Early '61 Water Pump

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  • Bill O.
    • April 1, 2006
    • 542

    Early '61 Water Pump

    I'm helping my friend get a 1961 ready for it's first judging and we have an unsettled issue I hope someone can help us with. The Corvette was built in early September of 1960 and takes a top tank radiator (270 hp).Then what water pump and engine saddle should it have?
    We looked in Nolans Adams book and it talks about a "493" water pump but it does not say anything about the saddle. We just want to be sure about rather risk making a bad guess. The '61-'62 NCRS Judging Manual is silent on just which pump modifications have to be made to accommodate the top tank, or if it takes a different pump.

    Thanks for any help you cangive us.

  • John H.
    Beyond Control Poster
    • December 1, 1997
    • 16513

    Re: Early '61 Water Pump

    Originally posted by Bill Ogden (45584)
    I'm helping my friend get a 1961 ready for it's first judging and we have an unsettled issue I hope someone can help us with. The Corvette was built in early September of 1960 and takes a top tank radiator (270 hp).Then what water pump and engine saddle should it have?
    We looked in Nolans Adams book and it talks about a "493" water pump but it does not say anything about the saddle. We just want to be sure about rather risk making a bad guess. The '61-'62 NCRS Judging Manual is silent on just which pump modifications have to be made to accommodate the top tank, or if it takes a different pump.

    Thanks for any help you cangive us.

    Bill -

    I'm not a '61 guy, but I'll offer this. Except for the early cars (like yours) that took the leftover top-tank aluminum radiator, all 61's used a separate surge tank, which required a water pump with the bypass fitting at the top. The engine plant had no clue which radiator would be in the car, so logic would lead you to the conclusion that all '61 engines came with the water pump with the square boss and bypass fitting hole in the top. That also dictated that the front motormount bracket had to have the cutout at the center to clear the fitting.

    If the car got one of the leftover top-tank radiators (like yours), a plug would be installed in the bypass fitting hole in the water pump, as it didn't get a bypass fitting or a surge tank (the cap was on the radiator).

    That's my take on it - others may have better information.


    • Bill O.
      • April 1, 2006
      • 542

      Re: Early '61 Water Pump


      That makes perfect sense to me and that's what we'll do.
      Thanks for the help. It's much appreciated.



      • Paul M.
        Very Frequent User
        • November 1, 1987
        • 142

        Re: Early '61 Water Pump

        Bill I have an early 61 #133x which is a big brake Fuelie. Did a lot of research and found that the early cars used the 609 pump and had a square head plug in the top hole. Car was judge in Charlotte last year and had no problem.



        • Bill O.
          • April 1, 2006
          • 542

          Re: Early '61 Water Pump


          Very good news as she now has a 609.
          Plug 'er up and we're set.

          Thanks much.



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