63 Ammeter. NOS vs. GM Resto Parts vs. Reproduction

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  • Joe R.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • August 1, 1976
    • 4546

    Re: 63 Ammeter. NOS vs. GM Resto Parts vs. Reproduction


    One more question. Have you replaced the wiring in this Corvette recently? If both gauges react the same it must be in the wiring or connections at the firewall connector.

    Sorry but I'm having problems posting an answer besides not having an answer!!!!!! Damn new-fangled software!!!!



    • Al P.
      • February 15, 2011
      • 87

      Re: 63 Ammeter. NOS vs. GM Resto Parts vs. Reproduction

      Replaced any wiring recently - No


      • Mike G.
        • August 1, 2002
        • 709

        Re: 63 Ammeter. NOS vs. GM Resto Parts vs. Reproduction

        most of the time gm resto parts are the same as repro parts. most nos parts are in a class by themselves. the reason i say most nos parts is bacause some of them are a newer design and are the same as the other two.


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