Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online - NCRS Discussion Boards

Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online

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  • John W.
    • October 31, 1974
    • 5050

    Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online

    You can now access the online Driveline from the link Driveline Online link just above your login information box, or here.

    This issue the Driveline is run from a completely new web format for reading magazines. I hope you enjoy the new features. All ads are now completely searchable, and links in ads will take you directly to the linked site.
  • Ralph A.
    Very Frequent User
    • May 31, 2002
    • 236

    Re: Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online

    Thanks, this is 90% of a great deal. I have searched the help for the options you are enabling and do not see where you can view one page at at time. Using the Zoom feature does not allow scrolling up or down. My eyes are old and can not read such small type fonts. If I missed something please post it.
    Ralph Adams
    NCRS: 38137 LA: 112
    Slidell, LA 70461

    1969 350/300 LeMans Blue Conv (restoring)
    1971 350/270 Bridgehampton Blue Conv (top flight)
    1972 350/200 War Bonnet Yellow Conv (restoring)
    2001 Bowling Green Metallic Conv (fun car)


    • Ralph A.
      Very Frequent User
      • May 31, 2002
      • 236

      Re: Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online

      Yes, I did see you can move the document around my grabbing it. Still not easy reading but a start int the right direction.
      Ralph Adams
      NCRS: 38137 LA: 112
      Slidell, LA 70461

      1969 350/300 LeMans Blue Conv (restoring)
      1971 350/270 Bridgehampton Blue Conv (top flight)
      1972 350/200 War Bonnet Yellow Conv (restoring)
      2001 Bowling Green Metallic Conv (fun car)


      • Dick W.
        Former NCRS Director Region IV
        • June 30, 1985
        • 10483

        Re: Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online

        Ralph, when I click on a page, I get a "zoom box" which will allow me to zoom the page up to 400%
        Dick Whittington


        • Vinnie P.
          Editor NCRS Restorer Magazine
          • May 31, 1990
          • 1542

          Re: Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online

          In addition...after you click on the page and zoom in...if you hold your left mouse button and drag up and down or left and right in the case of a 2 page spread the page will scroll in all four directions while you're holding your left mouse button.


          • Ralph A.
            Very Frequent User
            • May 31, 2002
            • 236

            Re: Driveline Issue # 193, May - June 2010 Now Online

            Yep, I had figure that one out also, Navigation is a bit harder with grap instead of full page view and scroll. Not to deminish this great feature but ease of viewing is not quite there. A lot of work between pages to set up, zoom and drag the page around...I will get used to it.
            Like the search
            Ralph Adams
            NCRS: 38137 LA: 112
            Slidell, LA 70461

            1969 350/300 LeMans Blue Conv (restoring)
            1971 350/270 Bridgehampton Blue Conv (top flight)
            1972 350/200 War Bonnet Yellow Conv (restoring)
            2001 Bowling Green Metallic Conv (fun car)


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            An unexpected error was returned: 'Your submission could not be processed because the token has expired.

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            An internal error has occurred and the module cannot be displayed.
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