Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"? - NCRS Discussion Boards

Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"?

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  • Kenneth L.
    • December 31, 2004
    • 56

    Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"?

    I have the factory AM/FM stereo for my '72 that came with the car. Before I install it, I'd like to fix the "flipper" lever that switches from FM to AM. I pulled the face plate and see that the string is broken. It looks like it should wrap around a little black roller, attached to a lever that switches FM to AM (when pulled to the left). Does anybody know if the end of this black string (being held in my fingers in the pic below) should form a loop? And is there supposed to be a little clamp to attach the end of the string to itself? Help! I'm gettin tired of holding this thing!

  • Alan S.
    Extremely Frequent Poster
    • July 31, 1989
    • 3413

    Re: Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"?

    Hi Ken,
    There is a tiny soft metal clip that is squeezed around the ends of the cord to finish the loop.
    Also, the cord is looped around the little roller twice to form a type of knot... the cord doesn't actually move on the roller, it causes the roller and the lever to move.
    The pictures show both sides of the clip and the extra loop on the roller.
    Hope this helps!
    Attached Files
    71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
    Mason Dixon Chapter
    Chapter Top Flight October 2011


    • Pat M.
      Extremely Frequent Poster
      • March 31, 2006
      • 1564

      Re: Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"?

      The restored radio on my 70 looks and functions like Alan's, but I think mine is simply tied in a loop without the clip.


      • Alan S.
        Extremely Frequent Poster
        • July 31, 1989
        • 3413

        Re: Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"?

        Hi Pat,
        It's funny that you mention 'no clip'.
        When I first looked at it with my 66 year old eyes (with glasses) I couldn't see the clip but I thought I could FEEL it. Out came the magnifying glass. And then Mr. Nikon indicated he could see it!
        71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
        Mason Dixon Chapter
        Chapter Top Flight October 2011


        • Kenneth L.
          • December 31, 2004
          • 56

          Re: Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"?

          Once I removed the lid of the radio, I could see the 2 screws holding the tuner face down inside. It was easy to remove and see the broken string thats wrapped around a small plastic stud on the end of the plastic L shaped AM/FM face plate. I just had to pry it out of the black metal frame that it pivots in. I used a piece of thin yarn that I just tied in a loop and reinstalled everything. It seems to flip fine now. Now I just hope the radio actually works!

          Thanks for the help and pics.


          • Alan S.
            Extremely Frequent Poster
            • July 31, 1989
            • 3413

            Re: Fixing the factory AM/FM "flipper"?

            Hi Ken,
            Well Done!
            Being able to repair something gives such a good feeling.
            71 Coupe, 350/270, 4 speed
            Mason Dixon Chapter
            Chapter Top Flight October 2011


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